
“Freedom is the possibility of isolation. You are free if you can withdraw from people, not having to seek them out for the sake of money, company, love, glory or curiosity, none of which can thrive in silence and solitude. If you can’t live alone, you were born a slave.”

And here is the original:

 “A liberdade é a possibilidade do isolamento. És livre se podes afastar-te dos homens, sem que te obrigue a procurá-los a necessidade de dinheiro, ou a necessidade gregária, ou o amor, ou a glória, ou a curiosidade, que no silêncio e na solidão não podem ter alimento. Se te é impossível viver só, nasceste escravo.” (Fernando Pessoa). 


30 Comments on “Isolation

    • Y otra cosa, si quieres puedes escuchar la musica aqui tambien 🙂 Hay un enlace encima de la foto …


        • Estoy de Croacia y supongo que tu eres Argentino?
          Me gustaria seguir conversando y viendo tu perfil manana, si estaras. Fue un gusto 🙂
          P.D. En mi pagina “about” puedes leer que soy linguista y obsesionada con idiomas 😉


      • Already read that one.. I do understand your point of view.
        I made a post of “awarding” the blogs I follow which inspire me. Sometimes I need another person’s point of view to get inspired. It was my way of thanking those nominating me for stuff.
        And yes, wanting to achieve false popularity and so on, it does exist in the blogosphere just like in real life.
        But then again, as they say: sto ljudi, sto ćudi 🙂


        • 🙂 As you can see I have listed some of the bloggers that inspire me on the right of my page 🙂
          Cheers! Take a sip from my amaro glass, if you like 🙂


  1. Goose bumps over the quote, Paula. They mirror exactly what I said in reply to your post yesterday. Thanks for leading me here, dear, to ponder on the waves in silence and solitude.


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