Weekly Photo Challenge: NEAR and FAR

This was taken one windy summer day in July 2010, just above Val Venosta during our 10-hour drive to Lago di Resia just to see its famous church tower submerged in water. You’ll get to see the tower on some other occasion, for now it is just windy plains, mountains and floating clouds.

Here is some music to go with itΒ 03 – Drifting away (Paradiso Mix)

75 Comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge: NEAR and FAR

    • Hello Marion πŸ™‚ I’m having problems deciding between two skies, just when I decide to remove the pic and put a new sky on, a friend comes along and says he prefers the first one :S. And someone just rated it a 4 – meaning I am putting the old sky back on πŸ˜€


        • πŸ˜€ it is bound to happen .. I am never 100% happy with anything I do – that’s PMS for you (perfect moment/or anything syndrom) – but sometimes I am less happy than others, and this is one of those times. In my original pic the sky is pretty blue, like intense blue and the grass is underexposed and I tried partial editing and everything and it all resulted in less natural effects. I will have to conform with this one and accept that not all pics are 5-star material :D. Sorry, I’ve just realised I might have an OCD πŸ˜‰


  1. It isn’t “just” great it’s ΓΌber-great… πŸ˜‰

    Serious i mine eyes just hit the theme… πŸ˜‰

    – just miss a red bus (jokes just, I know you know me)… πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far (Lesbos) « What's (in) the picture?

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far « All that I am, all that I ever was

  4. Perfect! Strong foreground element, wonderful mountains in the distance, and well composed. All in all and excellent photo for the theme.


  5. Tengo el placer de anunciar que te he incluido en la nominaciΓ³n como blog destacado y para dar a conocer los Seven Things About Me.
    Deseo que tu blog -Que me parece muy interesante- sea conocido por mΓ‘s gente, asΓ­ que sirva esta nota como un reconocimiento por tu trabajo.

    Muchas gracias, sigue asΓ­ y mucha suerte en el futuro. Besos, Josep.

    Puedes ver tu nominaciΓ³n aquΓ­. http://diariodepalabras.wordpress.com/2012/09/08/y-se-lio-la-de-dior/

    I have the pleasure to announce that I have included in the nomination and featured blog to publicize the Seven Things About Me.
    Will your blog, which I find very interesting, is known to most people, so this note serves as recognition for your work.

    Thank you very much, keep it up and good luck in the future. Kisses, Josep.

    You can see your nomination here. http://diariodepalabras.wordpress.com/2012/09/08/y-se-lio-la-de-dior/


  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and far | Serendipity 13

  7. Pingback: The City Cloud…. “I wandered lonely as a Cloud” « That's how I see the world

  8. Wow Paula, two wonderful shots in one! I want to run through that lush grass but I know I will never climb those mountains. Happy enough to enjoy the fabulous view!


    • πŸ™‚ This is a huge compliment Allan πŸ™‚ I hope it happens for you soon…. maybe in your rural photography πŸ˜‰


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