SUNDAY POST: Delicious

Jake said Delicious was the theme for the Sunday Post on October 7. What is delicious about this generous season? Lots of things, and the one I enjoy most are mushrooms.

The photograph below must be viewed while listening to Beware the Forest’s Mushrooms tune.


81 Comments on “SUNDAY POST: Delicious

  1. One of my favorite Paula , Delicious Mushroom thanks for sharing my friend πŸ™‚


    • πŸ™‚ good to know you like them Jake. Thank you again for the inspiration πŸ™‚


  2. qu’ils sont mignons tous ces petits champignons πŸ™‚ trΓ¨s jolie photo Paula !


    • πŸ˜€ Merci Marie-Charlotte πŸ™‚ J’ai pris cela pendant mes dernieres vacances de 4 jours en Italie – le weekend dernier πŸ™‚ Parfois on doit se jeter par terre pour prendre des photos πŸ˜‰


  3. I saw a few minutes ago a lovely photo of a pumpkin and a test text. Lovely.

    Your photo is very nice. I like its sharpness and blue-green colours .

    I don’t know why but I have the feeling these mushrooms don’t look edible. Perhaps because the inside colour it’s too dark and I know that an edible mushroom has a lighter colour under.


    • They are probably not :D. You are right. I should not encourage people to taste them, but they do look so delicious πŸ™‚ Cornel, I am happy you like this photo. That’s the one I mentioned yesterday… the weirdest angle I have ever taken ;). The pumpkin that was uploaded as a test was to see some messed up settings on my blog. I am still waiting for the right moment to publish it :). Hey, it is cool that you are keeping an eye on my new updates. THANK YOU πŸ™‚


        • Well, lets say that it was the first time I was down on my stomach on wet grass to take a pic. I usually kneel down, or sit on the ground, or crouch :D. But I have to admit, being stretched like a lizard did not feel that bad πŸ˜€


    • Hello Z πŸ™‚ Thank you so much for taking trouble to look into my test page. All has been taken care of now. Enjoy the weekend!


    • Hello Marianne. It is true I had a pumpkin photo post for a few minutes yesterday and though I like that photo I only posted it as a test – I had problems with some settings here. I am still waiting for a good moment to publish that πŸ˜‰


    • Hello Nick, I’ve just seen your challenge page. Are you talking about Autumn theme. What is the deadline for that? Are you suggesting I should enter this photo of mushrooms for that same challenge?


    • This is a very interesting observation Allan πŸ™‚ Mind you, I live at just 125 m altitude, but I like to take my holidays in the mountains πŸ˜‰ I never thought my shrooms can remind someone of mountains πŸ˜€ Thank you for this! πŸ™‚


    • Thank you CG πŸ™‚ I think it may be my best work so far :D. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to do a similar or better one …


        • You are too good to me :D. I remember opening a twitter account and forgetting about my log on details ;)- am too busy for all the social networking, not that I am studying Japanese by myself too :D. Kyssssssssssss


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