SUNDAY POST: Wonderful

If you look up the definition of wonderful you’ll see that it means inspiring delight, pleasure, admiration, astonishment, or marvel. I felt all that an early October morning when I took a path around a gorgeous mountain lake and saw the morning mist lifting slowly to reveal one of the most beautiful lakescapes.

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday…

107 Comments on “SUNDAY POST: Wonderful

  1. Oh my! This is beautiful Paula, and the music is perfect for gazing upon this scene. So peaceful, and the reflection is spectacular!


  2. les couleurs sont incroyables ! une photo sortie tout droit d’un conte. Superbe ! Et la musique est touchante *_*


  3. Pingback: Sunday Post – Wonderful | imexcited

  4. Pingback: SUNDAY POST : Wonderful | Simply Charming

      • No, en Mexico no he visto muchas… mas bien me encuentro en el mar! asi que mis fotos de lagos y montanas fueron sacadas en Chile o Sur america, donde mas estuve en esos paisajes. Tu foto simplemente me encanto, se ve como un sueno…


  5. Pingback: Sunday Post: Wonderful | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  6. Pingback: sunday post: wonderful « my sweetpainteddreams

  7. Pingback: SUNDAY POST: “Wonderful” « "Shutter flirt"!… thAt!

  8. Beautiful, enchanting piece of music. Looking at the picture, it’s like wind writing notes on water…Bliss. Essentially what allures me to wander on your blog is the eyes, I think! Is that you?


      • Yes, you did. In free time edit our conversation on this post. It looks like we’re having a conversation in italian πŸ™‚
        Later when free.


        • I reread everything on this post .. we did not say anything in Italian, unless you count “pinot” πŸ˜‰


            • I’ve noticed you speak Italian on your posts πŸ™‚ I wouldn’t mind if you wrote Italian here πŸ™‚


                • πŸ˜€ alas, google translating has become indispensable, I hate the fact that my job could be done by a simple translating tool πŸ˜€


                  • Not Italian. Tell your bosses.
                    Google has messed up my poems. I know for a fact cause when I translate my poems to Italian and back to English to cross-check, it’s a disaster.


                    • I was kind of joking, but the fact that there are people thinking it is possible makes me put a rope around my neck…. no translation tool can replace a human translator not in literature (never in poetry) and not even in technical stuff I translate for living .. the tragic thing is that many think it can… so I am waiting for the moment they proclaim me obsolete πŸ˜€


                    • In a way, you’re indispensable at least in this life time.
                      Moving on, you believe we got more than one soul?


                    • Thank you for reassurance πŸ™‚ I believed for a brief period of time that soul migrates from one lifetime to another, the same soul… then I stopped thinking about that, now you come with an idea of several souls… if that is so where does my other soul reside? Maybe I want it to replace this current one…


                    • Noway. I thought. you believe we got more than one soul, a thread we left unfinished so I asked.

                      But it’s ever-changing, like they say we never step in the same river twice.

                      You’re awesome. Change why?


                    • Speaking of souls, would you like to check my post Merge .. the link is on the right.. we can continue there.. there is an interesting song we should listen now .. per favore πŸ˜‰


  9. Pourquoi on n’a pas Γ§a en Belgique ? 😦 Les montagnes, la forΓͺt, le lac… C’est tellement beau… Et mis en valeur sur ta photo… πŸ™‚


    • Le “wonderful” de cette photo a ete mise en scene en Italie – tout pres avec la frontiere avec Slovenie.. a unes 4 heures d’ici en voiture… Je suis desolee que Belgique n’ait pas des endroits pareils 😦


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