Black & White Weekly Photo Challenge: FAMILY

Meet the Pumpkins!


Family Portrait

This is my entry for Sonel’s Black & White Weekly Photo Challenge. I wish more people would discover this challenge and see what a swell person Sonel is πŸ™‚

24 Comments on “Black & White Weekly Photo Challenge: FAMILY

  1. Hummm Calabazas…!

    Hummm fotografΓ­a en Blanco & Negro…!

    Buenos dΓ­as multicolores…!!!! con unb7.


  2. And once again you amaze me with your lovely originality and creativity Paula! Stunning shot and entry hon and thanks so much for sharing. Much appreciated. πŸ˜€ *big hugs*


    • PS: Thanks for the lovely compliment as well hon. I think you are the swell person around here but I am glad you think so much of me. You are the sweetest. Loved the music as well. Always such a treat to visit your blog. πŸ˜€ *big hugs*


  3. This is a stunning family portrait.
    I have never worked in black and white but will take a peek at Sonels blog based on your comment πŸ™‚


    • Hello Seonaid πŸ™‚ Thank you for leaving me the comment while I was away. I was able to see it on my phone ;). I think B&W conversions are fun. Hope you will like Sonel’s challenges.


    • I’ve missed replying to many lovely comments while I was away on holiday. Thank you so much dear Amy.


  4. jalal michael sabbagh.

    Paula ,this is prize winner picture.Have a wonderful day.jalal


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