Thursday’s Special: Negative Space aka the Bleak Beak

In photography, negative space denotes the area between and around objects in a photo. With the clever use of negative space you may place more emphasis on the subject of your photo and evoke emotions effectively. In this photo I believe that the unconventional framing of the swan suggests impending danger for some unsuspecting prey, hopefully a fly or a mosquito.


bleak beak

If you would like to participate in Thursday’s Special themeless (non)challenge, feel free to grab my Jupiter widget bellow and provide a link to this post in your post especially designed for this occasion. More details in Thursday’s Special introductory post



Check out the contributions to Thursday’s Special:

45 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Negative Space aka the Bleak Beak

  1. Hola Paula Not sure I understood the notion of negative space. 🙂 (Or is everything around me negative?)
    Bon cadrage de toute façon!
    A +


  2. Nice shot Paula,love the perspective. Though you might want to watch out because the impending danger may be heading your way. Swans can be down right nasty.


  3. Thank you for demonstrating negative space so beautifully. The composition and consequent focus on the beak is wonderful. (You really have an aversion to flies. I thought that was an Australian state of mind! May the swan eradicate them for you.)

    I think I might have encountered negative space yesterday at an artists’ group I gate crashed as a writer: one of the artists worked with a fountain pen and archival black ink to fill an A5 page with intricate patterning. In the top left hand corner there was a lizard-insect creature, whose tail was part of the intricacy and whose head emerged into a patch of white space, bordered by a bit more pen work. Tell me: does this qualify?

    I’m being idle (I should be preparing my deck garden for a weekend planting) so I also googled and found this collection which is worth a look


  4. …e cosi , si nota perfino lo sguardo del pennuto….
    Sta sicuramente “puntando” qualcosa……………….
    Bravissima , Paula , come sempre!


  5. Pingback: Blue space | Le Drake Noir

  6. Pingback: Graffiti 4005 | artishorseshit

  7. Totally agree with the comment above. This is a perfect example of how negative space can be used beautifully. I like the unique composition, Paula.


  8. Pingback: Silken Feather Against Feather as She Rises | Babsje Heron

  9. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Negative Space (Response to Guest Challenge) | Lost in Translation

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