Thursday’s Special: Of the night

This night scene is the first photo I took on my trip to Italy this month. The historic centre of Bologna was welcoming and the rain did not spoil the excitement of discovering a new location. Freshly bathed streets were glistening, and the light coming from the old towers gave the whole square a golden reflection.


san petronio_bologna

The church in the photo is San Petronio. I loved the way it looked on that rainy night, so I visited it the following morning, but could not take any inside photos (and not for the lack of trying!!).

If  you are curious to see more pictures from my walk in Bologna, make sure to come back next week 😉

For those who want to take part in my non-challenge Thursday’s Special, please post a photo/s taken at night-time (or any other time of day, since you are not bound by a theme) and link it to this post. More information on this non-challenge can be found in the original post. A click on the bellow widget will take you to the previous TS entries and links.




Here are the friendly bloggers’s entries to TS:

Jo’s Nordic Walk on the rugged shore 

Cardinal’s Early Morning Workers

Debbie’s going to the Gee Gees

Ese’s night in Marseille 

Drake’s Blue Angel 

Colline’s classroom art 

Patricia’s almost dark 

64 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Of the night

  1. Pingback: Early Morning Workers | Cardinal Guzman

  2. Pingback: 1 Day 1 World Project : 11.00- 12.00 | restlessjo

    • I would love to go to Gee Gees with you, Debbie, especially if I can see and touch some closes up close 🙂 Thank you so much for giving my language blog a “follow” 🙂


  3. We were there, but only briefly. And the photo we took of the church is godawful. At least this is a beautiful photo, Paula ! 🙂


          • Stavo leggendo ”Le Rouge et Le Noir’ di Stendhal 🙂
            Se qualche volta tornerai d’estate a Bologna, in quella stessa piazza che hai fotografato, potrai assistere a diverse proiezioni cinematografiche sotto il cielo stellato; infatti ogni estate vi sono due rassegne: ” il cinema ritrovato” e ” il cinema sotto le stelle”.

            A presto;

            P.S.: Bello il tuo blog!


            • I would have never thought you as a Rouge and Noir guy, but then I don’t know you that well. I love French classics and have studied them at the University. I would love to go back to Bologna especially since I was there for just a day and a half. I will be pending on your photos of Bologna if you post any…. Grazie mille, Renzo and forgive me for switching to English – I am in a hurry to make logical sentences in Italian.

              Liked by 1 person

                  • Paula, credo proprio che passerò dal tuo blog portoghese :-).
                    A me piace Pessoa: certe notti leggendo qualche pagina dal ”Livro do Desassossego” mi pare di galleggiare sulla poetica malinconia di Lisbona 🙂


                    • Jose Saramago mi manca :-(. Tu abiti vicino Lisbona? Io non sono mai stato a Lisbona ma un po’ c’è l’ho nell’immaginario grazie alle atmosfere di Pessoa e al film di Wenders ”Lisbon Story” 🙂


                    • Allora, se vuoi esercitarti un po’ con un’altra lingua neolatina, l’italiano appunto, sai dove trovarmi 🙂

                      Paula, è stato un piacere:-). La prossima volta interrogazione di lingua italiana :-)… Scherzo.
                      Ciao 🙂


  4. Gorgeous! Love the golden lights framing the church Paula. I so wish I had stayed overnight instead of the day trip I did last April.


  5. Pingback: Creating with Fall Leaves | Colline's Blog

  6. Pingback: Send me an angel | Le Drake Noir

    • 🙂 I like it a lot, Patricia, as well as your description of it. The gradually coloured sky turned out pretty accurate in your shot. Thank you very much for your lovely entry.


    • Thank you, Linda. The rain added a desired glow to the place, but ti is true, I also found that design interesting


    • Thank you, Sylvia. Nice of you to check San Petronio. I wish I could take you inside but the bad people wouldn’t let take pictures 😉 I have never seen this type of a facade on a church before so I was quite mesmerised by it.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What a beautiful photo Paula! The lighting looks very effective in the rain – very moody and atmospheric! I’ve never been to Bologna myself but have heard it’s well worth visiting and I’m looking forward to seeing some more photos of your trip!


  8. what a striking photo – the light still has me looking around with interest – after many views.
    oh 0 and they have these new body cameras that look like a button and so next time you go – just pin one on and voila – just kidding, just kidding….


  9. Beautiful shot Paula. The golden lighting has a lovely effect on the picture!


  10. Pingback: Music and lights of Bologna | Lost in Translation

  11. Pingback: brown and night (photo challenges) | priorhouse blog

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