Gone, But Not Forgotten

This week Nick Talbot, the Bristol musician who performed under the name Gravenhurst, has passed away at age 37. The following tune is from his 2012 album “The Ghost in Daylight” – titled Peacock. R.I.P.

swan HP


More takes on the theme.



40 Comments on “Gone, But Not Forgotten

    • The most elegant bird I have ever seen 😉 It was spotted on a stroll in Hyde Park. They do have a wide collection of feathered animals over there. Thank you, Sreejith.


  1. Excellent, Paula. Educating with an outstanding image. Thank you for the music.
    *KLEM* og ha en god helg, vennen min! ❤


    • Way too soon. No details were disclosed so I don’t know what happened. I only know it was sudden 😦 Thank you, Linda. I always appreciate your visits and comments.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Paula dove hai scattato questa foto? Magnifico il bianco lucente del cigno che si irradia sulla superficie scura dell’acqua. Io da sotto quelle acque farei spuntare questo ” Black Swan” direttamente dal Canada:

    Buon Fine Settimana 🙂


    • L’ho scattata nel Hyde Park in maggio. Grazie per la musica Renzo. Non la conoscevo. 😀 E anche video e fascinante. I remember when I saw a black swan for the first time in my life – it was many years ago on the Geneva lake. Grazie mille! Sogni d’oro e otimo fine settimana!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. That is such sweet sad music Paula . . . and what sad news, his beautiful music lives on. The photo has so much poignancy to it, the light of the feathers glowing and reflected in the dark ripples, beautiful!


    • Thank you, Patti. Did you recognise the bird from Hyde Park 😉 I am always honoured and happy to read you. You notice things that others are oblivious to….


  4. Those feathers make such interesting patterns. I like this photograph for it’s perspective. It presents something different from the regular portrait style shots of swans.


  5. Sad news. I love the swan picture, because it is a rare photo that concentrates on the colours of a swan rather than making much of its whiteness. I am fascinated by the whole complex structure of the wings half raised and the darkness of the water. great image.


    • Very kind of you, dear Hilary. I wish I could find as many swans here as in England. Walking in Hyde Park was a memorable experience for me.


  6. That swan is almost an abstract expression of grief. You have a wonderful knack for matching image and words. 37 is appallingly young to head off into death, taking such talent along.


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