Monthly Photo Challenge: The Changing Seasons 02




Every month Cardinal challenges us to go to the same spot and take photos in different light and atmosphere. Check out this challenge, and join us.


59 Comments on “Monthly Photo Challenge: The Changing Seasons 02

  1. Pingback: Monthly Photo Challenge: The Changing Seasons 02 | Cardinal Guzman

        • This depends on whether I shoot it the first of the month or near the end, and I am planning to shoot it at the very start of March. It is very likely to capture some snow too. The weather is playing funny this year.


              • On the bright side I’m invited with a small part of the company to Italy/Venice in August, which I think will be nicer. I hope they have gluten-free pasta there! 😀


                • Don’t expect to eat well in Venice. I hear that they are more interested in charging a lot than leaving a good impression on guests. If you are eating at a good place, go for the seafood instead – I am not sure they have gluten-free pasta. We are going there the first week in March (for just 3 days). How long will you stay? August is usually crazy hot and extremely smelly.


    • It is a large area and it is not difficult to find something interesting to shoot there. I hope to take some pics of snow for a change. It is when this park looks its best 🙂 I am not really a Spring person 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely shots, even better than last month’s I believe. My favourite this time is the pair of benches with that lovely building in the distance and such glorious light playing across the whole.


  3. “Blogging is about commenting, not clicking likes. Be heard…..” – Hallelujah, sister! How it grieves me that readers no longer join in discussion. Blogging feels like such a lonely activity nowadays. Clicking a Like button is not just lazy but I think downright rude if one does not trouble to explain one’s engagement with the post. Yes, I am that Social Media Dinosaur. I like it that way.


    • I am not sure what blogging was before, not even how old the “blogging” is. I think that many people treat their blogs as their fb page – another thing I dislike a lot is fb.


  4. These are all beautiful, Paula. I love the road going to that house/building. I look forward to seeing it with full foliage on the trees. I also wouldn’t mind sitting on those benches for a while!


    • Hello Linda 🙂 Yes, these benches are the best viewpoint in the whole park I think. Winter is more poetic than Spring. I doubt that foliage will make it look better.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. nice shots. “maksimir put” and “grey heron” are my favorites. at what hour did you take them? the hue in the sky is super.


  6. What a nice variety of images here for the challenge 🙂

    It would be hard for us from the tropics to take part in this challenge, as hardly anything changes across seasons 🙂

    We have only two seasons, rainy and not rainy 🙂


    • I think I heard Indian weather report once saying that you only know: hot, very hot, and hell hot. I wouldn’t thrive in your climate, but you have so much going for you- imensily rich history and architecture, people that are less conformist than in other parts of the world. I find your peninsula captivating.


  7. Pingback: Changing Seasons 06 | Lost in Translation

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