Thursday’s Special: Water

Water, the world’s most valuable resource, should not be taken for granted.


Again, you have less than a week to come up with some water shots. Leave me the links to your posts with entries for this challenge, please. Happy Thursday!



NOTE for new visitors: This is a once a week photo challenge. For further details please visit Scheduled Challenges page and Thursday’s Special page.


These are the entries for this week’s Thursday’s Special. Check them out by clicking on titles above images:


Karori Reservoir

Water Reflected in the Black Diamond

Cool and cold at the same time

Out on the water


Another fountain

Water sunset


El Agua

Skagit River

71 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Water

    • 🙂 😉 I like it too, but I need to carry filters around. It was really tricky to park a tripod on these slippery rocks. Thank God for hubby 🙂


  1. Pingback: Cool and cold at same time | Le Drake Noir

  2. Pingback: Water Reflected in the Black Diamond | Travel with Intent

  3. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Water | Middleton Road

  4. Pingback: Açores 5363 | artishorseshit

  5. Es maravillosa Paula, no tengo ni idea de cómo se consigue esa estela blanca que parece una nube, pero me resulta tan atrayente y, como dice el anterior comentario, dan ganas de meter los pies en ella y disfrutar.


    • Se trata de una larga “exposure” – el tiempo para tomar foto. Necesitas un tripode y unos “settings” manuales. Suena mas complicado de que lo es en realidad.


    • Pure nature Raewyn – it always inspires me and makes me better. I am happy you like my capture.


    • Es preciosa gracias y disculpa que no he tenido tiempo de contestarte aqui antes. A veces estoy demasiado ocupada 🙂


  6. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Water | A Day In The Life

  7. Pingback: Jueves Especial: El Agua | Viaja2Photography

  8. Pingback: Skagit River – Dòng Sông Skagit | Những Dòng Thương Nhớ - My Nostalgic Journey

    • When I was posting it I said to myself – it’s unfortunate that Jo isn’t around for this one- but you have discovered it later on 🙂 I hope you are having some fun days my dear.


      • I’m working hard at developing a Polish stomach. I don’t know where they put it all! Not long till your holiday. Hope you’re keeping well. I’ll be without Internet for a day or two x


        • So nice to hear from you, Jo. I have to admit I did not eat in Poland, but I have a hunch the portion sizes and stomachs are similar to ours 😀 It takes practice, you’ll be alright. Have fun! Hugs

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