“Roy G. Biv: no, he’s not the new bagger down at the grocery store. “Roy G. Biv” is an acronym made of the first letters of the seven colors of the rainbow, to help you remember: Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue.Indigo. Violet. It’s also your photo challenge theme for this week!*” says Michelle at the Weekly Photo Challenge, and here is my response:





Weekly Photo Challenge widget by


79 Comments on “ROY G. BIV

    • Thanks, Carol. It is not their first appearance. I have taken photos of them before, but in a closer selection 🙂


  1. ‘Richard of York gave battle in vain’ worked well for me, but I love your photo anyway 🙂 Hope your weekend is much better than the week. I’m off for a night with the ‘girls’ soon. Take care!


  2. Pingback: Photo Challenge, ROY G. BIV | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

  3. Superbe ! Je peux sentir l’odeur du bois comme quand j’étais petite à l’école. Et la chanson de Cindy Lauper est tout à fait appropriée 🙂


  4. Pingback: ROY G. BIV : The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge - Sylvain LANDRY

  5. Da Roma, complimenti per il tuo bel post !
    ( vedi che viaggio anch’io? Torno a Milano martedì!)
    Bacioni ,
    Anna e Rene’


  6. Oh I see! They’re lovely. I love the colours.
    Oh and I love your “Blogging is about commenting, not clicking likes.” Lucile should add that to hers – in fact, we all should! 🙂


    • 🙂 Thank you, dear. I used to have a more feisty message – smth like: “I don’t follow people that are quick on the mouse button” 😀 Now, there are days I wish to disable “commenting” button as well.

      Liked by 1 person

          • Agreed. But I’m still trying to train myself out of hitting the like button on comments! I think it makes it easier for me to know whether I’ve replied or not?? But there’s no need if I’ve replied, right?! But yes, I agree!


            • I click likes on others blogs in conjunction with comments, and sometimes I click like to their comments to let them know I read them. But in general I regard the “like” button as a big nonsense – I mean why is it there if there is no dislike button to counteract, though I think that anybody who does not like someone’s blog or post should just move away and say nothing. Thank you, Desley

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