Life Imitates Art

The photo bellow is my representation of Anna Karenina, the heroine from Tolstoy’s masterpiece novel, pictured as a porcelain doll that I keep in my collection.

Here is what Fyodor Dostoyevsky had to say about Tolstoy’s first true novel: “Anna Karenina is sheer perfection as a work of art. No European work of fiction of our present day comes anywhere near it. Furthermore, the idea underlying it shows that it is ours, ours, something that belongs to us alone and that is our own property, our own national ‘new word’or, at any rate, the beginning of it.”



“All the diversity, all the charm, and all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade.”
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

Note: If you click on the beauty above you’ll be able to enjoy her charms in full. 


Imitations are all around us, and it is very rarely that one finds genuine articles.  When I do, I treasure them, and as for fakes, well, they can’t last long.

I participate in WordPress' Weekly Photo Challenge 2016

I participate in WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge 2016

65 Comments on “Life Imitates Art

  1. Oooooh, just I watched the movie again last week in Norway, this is perfect for the challenge, Paula. 🙂
    Wishing you a great Valentine’s weekend,
    Kyss og klem til deg fra
    Dina x


  2. A stunning study in contrasts. What is the background?

    I’ve just watched an Australian mini series called “A beautiful life” which is a modern telling of Anna’s story. I don’t know that it modernises well. I don’t remember wanting to shake Tolstoy’s Anna and tell her to get a hold!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Une très charmante poupée, Paula. Et photo (arrière-plan enneigé?)
    J’ai lu pas mal de russes, mais pas Anna Karénine.
    Tu avais déjà fait un post avec des poupées, non? LAdy Chatterley?
    (Tu as donc une collection de poupées? C’est génial)


    • Je l’ai emmenee voir le premier neige qui est tombe cette annee. Anna Karenine n’est pas un roman d’amour ce qu’on croit – c’est autre chose. Quien sabe talvez un dia la vas a leer. I have 15 dolls, all representatives of famous literary characters. I am very proud of all of them. Bjs

      Liked by 1 person

      • And you should be. Proud. On en a déjà vu quelques unes (Lady Chatterley? Nana?). Bientôt la présentation de toutes?
        Oui je crois que Anna Karénine est autre chose. La littérature Russe est “autre chose”. J’aime beaucoup. J’aimerais pouvoir la lire en russe, mais je crois que ce sera pour une autre vie. 🙂
        Tu parles Russe?


        • Non, non, non, pas du tout. On ne l’a pas etudie en ecole, et pour moi des langues slaves – J’en ai assez avec croate, slovene (serbe et bosniac sont presque une meme). I can’t even manage Cyrillic alphabet. Ex Yugoslavia was not as influenced by SSSR as some other countries in the European East.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Le cyrillique est une barriere. J’arrive a dechifrer qqs mots en grec, mais j’ai du mal. Par exemple la France en grec se dit Galia. Genial!


            • Yes, in Latin too Gallia 🙂 Il y a un mois que je me suis fachee bcp avec mon directeur parce qu’il m’a demande de traduir qqch de cyrillique (de Bosnia) en anglais. Avec la guerre et tout ce que nous a passe (ma famille a souffert bcp) ca ete trop. Je n’ai jamais fait tant scandale. J’ai fini le boulot quand meme. It wasn’t a text subject to OCR and he wanted me to decipher the characters – ugh. To make the story short – it contributed to what was already a very difficult January.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Very understanble. That war(s) was a terrible thing.
                The good thing is that January is over. 🤕
                And let us hope february will be better.
                Comment va ton genou? Compbien de pas par jour?


                    • I got exercises to do at home. But it was swollen before that, and now even more. Can’t tell you how depressing it is. It’s six months now, and I can’t do stairs either up or down.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • I can imagine how depressing and incapacitating. Look, if it is swollen, exercises are out. It only increases the inflammation. Now why is it swollen is the question. “Epanchement de synovie” est le plus probable. Il faut peut-être drainer… Et prendre des anti-inflamatoires. Mais pour ça il faut voir le médecin tout de suite. Si tu n’as pas confiance dans celui qui t’a opéré, change de docteur. Sérieux: ne traîne pas un jour de plus. Prend rendez-vous demain. J’attend de tes nouvelles. Ok? (Please do it. A knee op cannot last 6 months. No way)


                    • I’d misunderstood. Just lloked it up. Really sorry about that it must be very painful. Et desesperant. (If it is anything like my back pain it must be terrible) encore une fois, j’espere seulement que les tratements, exercices etc. Te permettent bientot de te sentir bien. Rien de pire que d’avoir mal tout le temps. C’est epuisant. 😣 espero q t mejores pronto. Bz


  4. Pingback: Life Imitates (or Initiates Art) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

    • That was a good decision, Hilary. It is one of my favourite novels. I am always happy to see that you like my dolls.


  5. Pingback: WPC: Life Imitates Art – Adrian Evans Photography

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