If you think that you have seen this image before, you are right. I have posted it once for “After and Before” challenge. This time I would like to show a variation of the same scene. In the first photo I placed a tripod on a small bridge facing the rocks to be able to do a long exposure. There wasn’t much room to maneuver especially with passing visitors.

In the second one however, I placed the camera on the fence of the bridge which allowed me to frame my shot better. This is the frame that I prefer. I did not stop there I edited it a bit differently too, by giving it a fresher look. I hope that this time people will be actually able to see the faces on the rocks 😀


jupiter najnajnoviji


Take your time posting for this challenge. I will look at the entries early next week. 

P.S. I posted two different frames of the same scene here to show the difference and to show how sometimes a compromise of using a fence or other stable surface can come handy instead of a tripod that requires some room. It was not by any means an invitation to criticize my photos. I know that people that do it are not photo experts, but this is my blog, I keep it as a source of relaxation for myself and not for others to annoy me.


  1. Faces loud and clear. I wonder what they’re saying? And thanks for reminding me that a tripod exists! Hope your life is calm and there’s time for relaxation.


  2. This reminds me so much of a lovely spot in the Algarve- Pego do Inferno. Access to it was spoilt by fire some years ago but it’s still there, with tranquil, beautiful water. I will be linking to yours later today, Paula. I wish life wasn’t so stressful for you. 🙂 🙂


  3. First of all , Happy Birthday , (in spite of the difficult moments you mention…..)
    And then , a double like on the second photo , with the fine , detailed faces!


  4. Slightly dissenting voice here, I prefer the first shot. The second one is crisper and fresher, the faces come out more (but I immediately saw them in the first shot, too) but it robs the place a bit from the mysterious mood that appeals to me in the first shot.


  5. Pingback: Spot the theme? | restlessjo

  6. Pingback: One church, four views – picturesimperfectblog

  7. Pingback: once over – Une photo, un poème


  9. Pingback: THURSDAY’S SPECIAL-Once-Over – WoollyMuses

  10. Pingback: Once Over | WordsVisual

  11. Pingback: An obelisk scene – Lucid Gypsy

  12. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Once Over | Leya

  13. The faces in the rocks are nature’s choir singing a gentle, hypnotic song, with the soloist on the right.adding the calming sound of falling water. Take care, Paula.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. the music was so nice with the photos and the second one felt like there was more back-rock to the left and as Linda noted – a little clearer to me too.

    Liked by 1 person

      • just went and read the comment – and best wishes to you as you make any changes you feel are needed….
        and side note – happy birthday when it comes (read anna’s comments too while I was digging for the one to Linda) and also hope your hand/arm heals 100% very soon…


        • Thank you. I have invested a lot of time and effort in challenges over the years and I am aware now that it wasn’t worth it. Linking, presenting others’ work for what – for not even saying “hi” here despite of “participating” in the challenge or even critizing my work. Every week I see posts that I hate and I have never said anything negative about others work. This experience has been bull$it.

          Liked by 1 person

  15. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Once Over – Cee's Photography

  16. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Once Over | A Day In The Life

  17. Pingback: Quick service | Le Drake Noir

  18. Pingback: The Begonia – bushboys world

  19. I have to say that the first shot is just lovely but the little tweaks in positioning and post-processing do make the second one stand out a bit more nicely. What an enchanting place.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Your second version wins for me too Paula – probably partly because of being in a cold February mood at the moment! I find the 2nd shot brighter and more cheerful and the faces are wonderfully clear. Can’t help but smile


  21. I love the fact that you believe in experimenting with your photography skill. Everybody should experiment with their existing skill to further develop it. It takes you one step forward. It gives a kick. And you are not only doing it yourself but motivating others to do it. Keep this up.


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