
Pero the pigeon was one of my regulars and I shot him some years back. The balcony was always a mess after he had left. My bond with him was so strong that I even featured him in a coloured post once, but could not help posting another photo of him, this time in selective colouring.

As you can tell from the picture Pero was a pretty pigeon, but lacked self control.


pero_crno bijeli
P.S. WordPress messes up my colours and contrasts, but if you click on the photo to zoom in, you’ll get a pretty accurate version.

This is my response to this week’s photo challenge: Oops!

Weekly Photo Challenge widget by CardinalGuzman.wordpress.com

53 Comments on “Oops!

  1. It usually happens when they get “shot” and you know that most pigeons are gun shy. Then again, pigeons are messy birds naturally producing a lot of..well you know what. Great oops!


  2. Pingback: WPC: Oops (Oh No) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

  3. Pigeons are a plague… Paris is infected with them. All buildings have to be fitted with tiny plastic barbs. Any space that is overlooked is immediately a Pigeon squat.
    Comment va le genou? Bien?
    Attention, demain c’est samedi 12. Pas trop de courses de Noël.


              • Non. Faut pas. Ce genre de chose prend du temps, il faut être patient (Je suis pas du tout patient!) et reconnaître que parfois on peut “régresser” momentanément. Ça arrive. Mientras: ánimo! Take it easy on your knee for a few days, think of Christmas, and you will be fine (or at least better) in a few days. Qu’est-ce tu fais à Noël? La famille, les amis se réunissent?
                (Comme je pars en voyage lundi, je n’aurais pas bcp d’internet, donc: Joyeux Noël et Un excellente année 2016) Comment dit-on en Croate ou Slovéne ou ta langue maternelle? 🙂


                • Merci Brian, tu as raison. Je te remercie de m’avoir consolee 🙂 Yo solo tengo dos dias libres por las fiestas, primero el dia de Navidad y luego por Nuevo Ano y los pasare con mi marido. On dit Sretan Božić en Croate (qui est ma langue maternelle) ou bien Vesel Božič en Slovene (la langue da mon arrière grande mère). Je suis tres fiere de mes ancêtres 🙂 Si quieres, te voy a ensenar un poco de croate 🙂 Ca ferait bientot 12 langues que tu as voulu apprendre 😉

                  Liked by 1 person

  4. Wonderful photo – a really handsome bird (when not disgracing himself). My daughter runs a form of protracted warfare with the pigeon who is determined to rear it’s young on her London balcony and she is equally determined to rear vegetables. I can’t see any chance of either winning.
