
As of last week I introduced voting for what readers consider the best entry for Thursday’s Special challenge. It’s open only on Wednesdays after collecting all entries for the challenge. I have to say that there were only 21 votes last time, and if in the next round for the challenge “park” no more than 21 vote are collected, that will be the last time you have the opportunity to vote for the favourite entry.

I don’t blame you for not wanting to participate. For me, it’s even better, you have no idea how much work and complications this is causing me and most people do not appreciate it or even change their minds within 3 days about participating in the voting process when they see that nobody has voted for them.



28 Comments on “Note

    • I know you did and I appreciate it. I wish you would always leave a trace when you visit. I am just very peeved with my blogger friends who change their mind from one day to the other and vote just for themselves.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I did vote too, but I must say I think it is hard to vote when there are so many talanted photographers that participate in your challenges.


  2. I voted, it is so odd to me that people would vote and then come back and change it. Sometimes because of the time difference I miss a post, perhaps people didn’t vote because they missed the day for voting. You are a day ahead of me, It always makes me laugh when I see Black & White Thursday in my reader on Wednesday evening- unless is it really Wednesday when you post? I appreciate the work and time you put into the blog Paula- it is something I look forward to.


  3. I would like to vote, although I can not always guarantee my presence. I don’t check posts more than once a day typically so I’m afraid I with the end of the voting time and only had my phone. Would it be possible to leave the voting open for a longer time and then announce the winner the following week? Just a thought and sending big hugs this weekend.


    • It’s a valuable advice Sue. I’ll make it a week long voting per post from Wednesday to Wednesday and we’ll see how much difference it makes. I appreciate your time and interest and good will 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • You are most welcome Paula! That will make it mush easier for me to participate and hopefully others too. Thanks for trying it out to see. Hugs to you and oh just on a side note now it is snowing here. 🙂 Oh Canada!


  4. I voted! I think you should persevere a bit longer and maybe if you started offering prizes?
    10,000 euros, or a trip to Euro Disney? Or if you could find a way of offering a season ticket to watch Liverpool I’d vote every week…. honest!


  5. Even though I might not be able to get to a park to participate this week I’ll still vote.

    ps. If you accept park(ed) cars I have a bunch of photos already? 😉


  6. From the beginning I knew that there would be much more work for you…..and now you wonder if it’s worth the while…..

    …a lot of us can be a bit absent minded , or forgetful of the rules , but please don’t give up so soon, Paula!
    A big hug,


  7. I didn’t vote either. I’m not that fond of turning this kind of thing into a competition. I’m retired. I’m pretty much done with competing. It’s a nice thought, but it’s not for me.


  8. I confess I didn’t vote. (Bowing my head)
    But let me say that I love the way you always try to do different things. Toutes mes félicitations pour ça Paulinha. 🙂


  9. I voted Paula but did find it difficult to vote for just one and I find it hard to believe some would vote for themselves just because no one else has. I’m thinking so much extra work for you Paula, as you say in this post “you have no idea how much work and complications this is causing me” So, my friend, just do what you enjoy without too much stress. Your regulars will still appreciate all your work with hosting these challenges.


    • You are a good woman, Pauline. Let’s see how it goes. The fact is that I am under too much stress that I can control cause of work and health, but I don’t like the status quo in blogsphere, and I feel that the usual way of holding challenges is not enough.


      • I actually like and do the challenges because it gives me an excuse to go back through old photos, reviving memories and some are quite straight forward, but I like yours as you tend to give us a theme that is more challenging and can be interpreted in a number of ways.


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