Memories of Italian Lakes

When I started flipping through my travel photos to find a good candidate for this week photo challenge (Arranged) I came across some of the pictures taken on and around Lake Iseo in Italy a few summers back.

That was another unforgettable holiday in bella Italia and probably some of you will enjoy my postcards from summer ’09.

A view of Lake Iseo from the hotel

Rather than staying on shore of the lake we opted for a more remote location at 500 m altitude in a very glamorous and comfortable hotel (I still keep some nice smelling soaps as a souvenir).

Nice grounds of my favourite lake hotel

The hotel location provided for some great views, but the views from the shoreline did not come short either.

Panorama of Lake Iseo


As breathtaking as the sights of the lake and promenades were, we found some even more interesting spots further up in the hills.

Another view of Loreto Islet

Erosion pyramids at Zone above Lake Iseo


It was definitely one of my nicest trips.

34 Comments on “Memories of Italian Lakes

  1. Beautiful, simply amazing photographs!

    I’m currently in the midst of writing an ebook on traveling to Singapore! Was hoping you (and your readers if you guys don’t mind) could share with me on what you’d like to know about Singapore if you plan to travel here (or anywhere for that matter)

    Here’s the link to my post, would be really grateful for your inputs and comments, cheers!


  2. Wow…just breathtaking images. I love them all. I wish I wake up each day with a view like that. Thanks for sharing them. As for the post a day widget, go to the daily post, copy and paste the symbol them paste it on the image widget found in your dashboard. Update me if it works.


    • Hello Island Man :). Thank you for your nice comment and for your advice. I was able to reach support team yesterday and I managed to copy the post. Thank you for your input. I am sure I will bother you again with more questions 🙂


      • Your welcome. I remember how it was when I started . I would scratch my head when it was time for computer skills but we learn from each other. My blogger friends are all very supportive…. Isn’t that great? Again, these pictures are amazing. Have a fun day my friend.


  3. Hello my island friend 🙂 Do you know if it is permissible to post a weekly photo for a challenge a week late? I’ve just found out that I missed “throught” challenge :S
    How is your week? Having fun on wordpress?
    Take care.


  4. Number one is beautiful! It has a nice, moody feel to it. I also like how you broke the “rules” and placed the tree so close to the center in #4. It keeps me engaged, I keep trying to peek around the tree 😉


    • You are right 🙂 The hotel was part of the Relais du Silence range, and it was dreamy :). Thank you for the nice comment.


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