An Oasis at the Heart of the Town


50 Comments on “An Oasis at the Heart of the Town

    • Thank you Jackie.. I spent hours there not sitting but wandering around and taking photos 🙂 I am happy you like the music 🙂


  1. So beautiful! I love the perspective, the trees, red bridge, the mountain, and the sky is brushed with the white cloud….


    • Hello sweet Amy, you got everything right except for the mountain :D. We do have a mountain in Zagreb, but can’t be seen from botanical garden :). Your comment makes me happy. Happy Sunday to you!


      • It looked like a mountain far behind the bridge (I thought), but I wasn’t so sure… Thank you for letting me know. Beautifully done, Paula!


        • Actually the mountain is located in that direction, but can’t be seen from this spot ;). I will try to show it some time… Zagreb has a lot to offer…. and one if its greatest features is its position, so close to Italy and Austria and two hours drive away from one of the most beautiful coasts in the Mediterranean 🙂


  2. I could grab a good book, find a nice comfortable place to sit in the sun, and lose myself for hours in this place. Your photo makes me want to be there right now!


    • Awwww… this is the greatest compliment Jeffo… if you were there, you would be running around with your macro lens shooting frogs and flowers not on a bench with a book ;). It is the same spot where I found two of my latest frog princes and my spring flowers from last week… weird I have not visited this treasure which is about 15 minutes walk from my home for 20 years… shame on me!!!!


      • I’m the same way. Often overlooking what’s right under my nose for the “bigger and better” things tat are further from home.


        • This may very well be the case with most of us. You did not tell me about your trip. My Paris holiday will be overcast as far as forecast is concerned, can I ask you to keep your fingers crossed that I get to see something I like 🙂


  3. jalal michael sabbagh.

    Just wonderful serene post.Regards.jalal


    • I appreciate it Nancy 🙂 I hope you are well.. life here has been a bit too intense lately, and now my trip and I have not even started packing yet – it is just too stressful….


  4. An oasis I wish I can stay forever. We need to find our little oasis in this world to give us peace and joy when we needed them the most. Beautiful!


  5. Pingback: Monday Walk in the Botanical Garden | Lost in Translation

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