A Word a Week Challenge: Angle

tour eiffel angle-1

This is my entry for A Word a Week Challenge.

61 Comments on “A Word a Week Challenge: Angle

  1. Ditto to the above!! Love how you are teasing us with one stunning Paris photo after another 🙂


  2. I read angel at the first glance!:-)
    That happens when angels travel and present posts like this… :-)The Eiffel Tower never looked better.


  3. jalal michael sabbagh.http://gravatar.com/jmsabbagh86@gmail.com



    • 🙂 thank you CG, I was fascinated to see the names of then celebrated scientists of France engraved on the tower, which resulted in my choice of the song title – prenoms de paris ;). It is very interesting to photograph, so many angles too many possibilities, shame it is so crowded 😉


    • 🙂 Brel was Belgian, but I guess he sang without the accent :). I used to adore him when I was 17 – I was very dark and mature back then 😀


  4. Este angulo me encanta Paula! LLeno de color y luz!!!
    Y la canción de Jacques Brel….”Paris que je reviens!!!!” Preciosa frase, todo un grito de júbilo!Acabo de llegar de Burdeos y me encanta volver a escuchar el francés..


    • Que bueno Ilargia .) Me alegra que te guste.. Tengo mas musica frances en mi blog pero sin palabras.. como en post de patterns y from above weekly challenge 🙂 Besos…


  5. Very well composed. The viewer knows, or at least should know, exactly what they are looking at without the need for yet another shot of the entire Tower. The processing is done quite well too.


    • 🙂 You have reassured me with your detailed review, Jeff. Thank you for having taken a thorough look of it and for your much sought opinion 🙂 (I hope you are well)


    • And I should add, I took it from the boat trying to excavate crowds of tourists that were pointing their cameras at the same thing 😀


  6. Now that is one place I would sure love to visit one day Paula – Paris! Great angle and shot of the Eiffel Tower! 😀


    • I hope you’ll get to visit it, Sonel. I was there for a week, and though I saw a lot I still missed to see so many things, not to mention the places outside Paris I would like to see…


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