Black & White Photo Challenge: Bridges


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I would like to thank Sophia for the inspiration and for giving me a push to go and explore more bridges in my town. For more information on Black & White Photo Challenge click here.

59 Comments on “Black & White Photo Challenge: Bridges

  1. I do like a stroll by the river, Paula. Did you link to Sonel? I’ve just come from there and didn’t see you? šŸ™‚
    And wouldn’t you know it, Jake has confounded me with a late Sunday Post!


    • The fact is that my comment is undergoing moderation over there. On my blog, when people pass their first comment approval, they are automatically approved.


      • Hi Paula and Jo. I just got to Paula’s link and her comment … thanks hon. šŸ˜€
        My comments are moderated so I can keep track of each and every comment posted otherwise I will get confused and I have tried the automatic comment posting but found it too difficult to keep track of all the comments as some of them are on different posts.

        This side the internet is a bit slow this week, so it’s been difficult visiting blogs and even posting as it takes so long for everything to load, so I have quite a lot to go through.

        Thanks again for your lovely entry Paula! It’s way gorgeous!!!! šŸ˜€ *big hugs*


      • We were just too quick off the mark this morning! I think mine are automatically approved if you are a follower but not otherwise? šŸ™‚
        Sorry- sometimes I’m just too helpful!


  2. What a difference a cloudy sky makes! I love the dramatic scenes you are presenting us, Paula. The perfect mood for B&W. I prefer weather like this to bright sunny days. Thanks!
    Big hug to you! x


  3. Absolutely stunning Paula! Wow! The clouds looks amazing and the bridges looks like it’s from another world! Great entry for the challenge hon! Thanks so much for taking part. šŸ˜€ *big hugs*


    • The sky was interesting that day.. I’ll admit to that, but the structures are rather plain :D. I am happy you liked my post dear Sophia. *big hugs*


      • Very interesting indeed and it always amazes me how beautiful the sky can look in B&W. You take amazing photo’s hon. I loved it! šŸ˜€ *big hugs*


  4. I liked the second image, looks as if the mighty cloud is going to engluf the bridge underneath. nice ones. bdw, why there is no ‘like’ button on ur blog posts?


    • Hello Mayur šŸ™‚ I removed the “likes” some time ago cause some people were abusing it ;). I prefer comments instead like this inspiring one I got from you. Thank you so much :). Have a great week! Paula


      • i didnt quiet understand by abusing mean how excatly. but never mind, I will keep in mind to drop a comment to ur post always. Hey, thats actually a good idea to get more comments for one’s blog!


        • Hello Mayur, I will explain myself .. when I said abusing I meant that many people were hitting the like button like crazy without even looking at the post just to attract the same meaningless traffic to their site. You would be surprised to hear how numerous they are. I appreciate comments way more. Any monkey can click a like button – so I removed it :D. I appreciate your coming here to give me your opinion :), and I am glad you have already understood the benefits of not having the “like” button šŸ™‚


          • not replying just for the sake to keep this conversation alive. But I got ur point, thanks Paula. In my case my site is still new and there’s not too much likes, forget about the comments. IMHO, I too feel comments are better. Blogs are actually meant for discussion, than just sharing.


    • šŸ˜€ the latter almost cost me my camera, as it got wet in the rain :S. Sono felice che ti piacciono xx


  5. Both pictures are amazing! Your camera is not really gone broke, right?
    Then who spoils us with such great pictures?


  6. Beautiful entry, Paula. I absolutely love the skies as well as the bridges. šŸ™‚ The music really echoes the drama of the clouds.


    • Thank you so much Sylvia šŸ™‚ This is some Japanese band, I discovered by accident this winter :). These bridges are not ancient or spectacular in design, but they are here and I had to give them a chance šŸ˜‰ I appreciate your kind comment and your lovely visit. xo


  7. wow… simply amazing… its not only the sceneries present in.. but it also the importance of a photographer who capture these moments.. loved it..


  8. What a great sky for capturing these images that day.
    I believed that the music you would use would bring to mind the building of the bridges, and if not that then perhaps a simple stroll across one of the bridges.
    The music ended up making me think of the bridges themselves, in their current state.
    Not intending to over-think this, but too late… I did.

    I hope that you’re doing well. Seems like you’ve had quite a summer. Do you believe that your life is as interesting as your pictures suggest? Just an honest question, because it really does seem like you live life to the fullest.


    • My dear Dinkerson, I would have a lot to tell you about my life :D. I am afraid you are right – I am that kind of a person :D. Thank you for everything. Reading you helps me to get to know you better. You are not a type of person that just clicks and puts nice in order to attract the traffic and visits to his site – this is one thing that makes you different from the crowd and the other is your takes :).


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