A Visit to the Zoo – Part I

Those who know me well are aware that I prefer to spend my Mondays away from my coworkers. This bunch is a lot more fun, believe me…


35 Comments on “A Visit to the Zoo – Part I

  1. I was just about to turn the laptop off and there you were, at the zoo, Paula! I was intrigued 🙂
    Do you like zoos? I’m not so sure but some of them do good work. I hate to see sad-eyed creatures but yours have plenty of attitude. Maybe not that lovely cheetah, though.
    Off out walking. Will catch you later. 🙂


  2. Love that Lemur. And of course the cheetah – my favourite animal. Lovely way to spend time away from colleagues.


  3. I don’t blame you at all Paula. Animals are way more fun and it’s so relaxing too. I can see you had an awesome day. These shots are truly gorgeous! You’ve captured them so well. Love the music too. 😀 ♥ Hugs ♥


  4. Nice reading about you Paula

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  5. Very nice images, Paula. And I understand why you have emphasized the emu, it’s really a gorgeous picture. But I also like the expression of the lemur.


    • Hello Otto. You have picked my two favourites in this series. I have some better ones that I am keeping for a single photo posts. It is a bit frustrating taking photos of animals through bars without a proper lens… I appreciate your time and nice comment.


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