Until further notice or appearance


I don’t know if anybody has noticed, but I am/have been absent here. There will be no activity on my part this week due to a 14 hour work schedule combined with an illness that won’t go away, which makes it impossible for me to find a minute to spare here.

 Please understand.


39 Comments on “Until further notice or appearance

  1. Paula, just take it easy. Blogging is not everything – just look after your health, get better soon and when you are good and ready come back to us. I am sure, many will be waiting. Ciao for now – Carina


  2. Life needs prioritizing sometimes….blogging can be addicting and it’s good to take a break when our body and soul says to.


  3. We did miss you and look forward to your return. Take your time, we’ll be here thinking of you. Health and happiness for you soon.


  4. I have been wondering… Thank you for letting us know. Stress can affect our health. Hope you will feel better soon! Miss you, Paula. Do take care of yourself.


    • It’s all the work Amy. One can’t work the whole day including weekends and still have time and energy for blogging. My allergies make me cough a lot day and night and I have to surpress it while in the meetings interpreting. On top of all that a member of my family passed away. It’s not a good time for me. I will catch up when I recover.


      • Blogging is the last thing you want to worry about. I sensed that you must be very busy or stressed out. I just don’t know how you can deal with the pressure… I’m so sorry about the your family passed away. Too much for you… Hope you’ll get vacation/holidays soon. Take are, Paula!


  5. We just take your presence for granted, Paula… we shouldn’t. And wish you good luck on the job as much as a very quick recovery from the illness that has been bothering you.

    Thinking of you and wishing you well.
    Take care,



  6. I completely understand. I look forward to you getting back on top of your workload and health concerns. See you then.


  7. Je pense à toi ma chère Paula, comme toi je suis beaucoup moins présente sur WordPress, je me sens débordée et c’est difficile pour plusieurs raisons. Je suis solidaire et je te souhaite d’aller mieux le plus vite possible. Take care, bisous.


  8. Well, a few of us have noticed. It’s difficult to work those long hours, but compounded by illness is far worse. Take care of yourself as best you can.


  9. Completely understood Paula. Please look after yourself and we will see you when you are well again – and you do not have so much work. Your photos will be missed.


  10. I’m so sorry to hear you’re not feeling well! I hope things lighten up for you soon. Take care of yourself.


  11. I have noticed you have been away, and I am sorry to read that you have gotten ill. I hope you will soon recover. But take you time, we will be waiting for you in the blog sphere. Wish you all the best.


    • I appreciate this Otto, especially knowing how busy you are. It is comforting to know that one can count on others’ support when things aren’t looking up. I am back 🙂


  12. Sorry to hear that Paula and it’s been the same on my side as well except that I couldn’t do anything and had to lie down and slept most of the time. When I came back I did notice one of my favourite bloggers weren’t here and had to look you up and see what’s happening. I hope the work load get better soon and that you will be feeling great and without any illness very soon hon. Thinking of you. 😀 ♥ Big Hugs ♥


    • Thank you my dear Sophia. Your wishes and thinking of me means a lot. I will keep you posted and visit you as soon as I recover. Big warm hugs…


      • You’re welcome hon. Please just get enough rest and get well soon. I wish you all of the best. 😀 ♥ More Hugs ♥


  13. I hope you are feeling better now, Paula and that you had a few nice holidays as well, beside so much work. Thinking of you.
    Stor klem.
    Dina xo


    • Dear Hanne, I am grateful for your support and I know you can understand. I am now trying to pack for a trip to London (fun – not business). I will be back with a fresh mind I hope and with more free time to spend with my blogger friends. Stor klem ❤


  14. Paula, so sorry to hear you have both been unwell and super busy. All best to you for your getting back into a rhythm to suit you, take care, we’ll be here! xx


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