Black & White Sunday: Together



You can grab my Black & White Sunday widget and join me. Show me your B&W photos regardless of the theme.



 Related posts:


P.S. Apologies for being a bad neighbour and not giving your posts the attention they deserve. I have to work all days of the week and the stress now is multiplied by 10, so forgive me for not being out there as much…

I hope and expect it to change soon… 

27 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: Together

  1. You are opening my eyes to so many possibilities! When I get back home, I’ll fiddle with b & w. Do you take them b & w or convert colour? You can see detail differently without the distraction of colour.


  2. Now that’s an interesting photo – I either love or loathe it – I’m not sure which. It is both beautiful and quite gross at the same time. 🙂


  3. Pingback: A Graduation Dress | Colline's Blog

    • Ditto! I will visit you when I catch a breath. I flipped today at work and almost stirred up a fight between 3 crucial managers in the company – the highest positioned one promised to pay me overtime 😉


  4. Nice DoF on both this one and the coloured ones in your your previous post. I prefer the B&W, but I like both photos.
    It’s been a lot of stress here lately too, so I haven’t posted much the last weeks. My summer vacation starts soon, so I guess I’ll be more active then.


  5. Love the detail of the mushrooms. Entirely sympathise about the blog inattention. After four days away and more on my plate than I planned, I am feeling the same way. (That’s why I like the ‘like’ button, which I only press if I have read a post, to say I came, I read, I appreciated, but I am pressed for time).


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