Black & White Sunday: Ominous

The rain before it falls


lugano from porlezza


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65 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: Ominous

    • 🙂 this one takes me back to Italy to the banks of lake Lugano at the reach of Switzerland. Thank you for your nice visit Linda. I am happy you like the photo and the music 🙂


  1. Pingback: Black and White Sunday | morselsandscraps

  2. It’s been raining here daily for a while now, so this hits a chord Paula, and so does the music.
    Wouldn’t want to be in one of those small boats in a storm. Great shot.


    • No, absolutely not. I have been on a sailboat during storm once (for work); not an experience I would recommend 😀 And thank you Draco. I am glad you like the pic 🙂


  3. I think this is the calm before the storm. The water looks very soothing!


    • You are right, Emilio. There are no traces of a pending storm on the water surface yet 😀 Thank you for commenting 🙂


  4. Lovely combination of sound and image. Your photo captures the darkening and the build-up, the boats catching the last slivers of light.

    Being Australian, I love rain and enjoy presages of it (if that’s a word!) I even went through a car wash for the pleasure of pelting water when I lived in Broken Hill.


    • I like your choice of words, Meg :). Me too, I am quite fond of rain especially in summer time. Happy for your visit 🙂


    • 😀 Hello Uday 🙂 I have better pics, but what can I do. I wish you would see the one I posted last Sunday 😉 I am happy you have found the time to visit and comment my friend 🙂


  5. Pingback: Bling : The weekend in Black and white | scrapydo

      • I see many beautiful photos on assorted posts but it is the ones that make me ‘feel’ something that stand out for me. Yours was one of those. 🙂


  6. Pingback: The Dragon’s Blood Tree | Art and Life

    • 🙂 Thanks, Suzanne. You had me intrigued with your brilliant title and I have to say this tree looks spectacular. Many thanks for your participation.


      • You’re welcome 🙂 It was fun. Finding time to do the challenges is my issue – I’ll try and do yours more often. It’s fun.


  7. Interesting – photo and music pairing. It would be fun to ride in the boats, but not in that photo or when the storm rolled through.


  8. Pingback: Street Photography 0506 | artishorseshit

      • I shot quite a few photos, but haven’t had the time to look through them or work on them yet. It’s always good to have something to work on for those times when you don’t shoot that much.


  9. Pingback: Paper Cutting Art | Colline's Blog

  10. LOVE a bit of drama! And heaven knows I’ve seen my share of stormy skies this past couple of weeks, Paula. The music is spectacular for this wonderfully atmospheric shot. I’ve just hopped over from Scrapydo and I love her image too- though it couldn’t be more different. Have to have a look at the others. You’ll get me black and whiting it yet 🙂 🙂


    • I can guarantee you will always be able to see drama in this blog :D. The music is by Alan Parsons Project, and it is wonderful agreed 🙂 Hugs


  11. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Ominous | MARGARET-ROSE STRINGER

  12. Adore the inky blue in this gorgeous black and white Paula! Summer storms always make me want to run out and play in them, get drenched!


  13. This is beautiful, amazing scenery and great conversion!
    It looks deep blue, which i love, or is my monitor screwing with me?
    Greetings, hope all is great, Ron.


    • 😀 It is not screwing with you. I appreciate the compliment, Ron. All is well this end, just busy and bugged at work. How are you?


      • Ah, nice, love those dark blue monochromes!
        Still working for same take-over?
        Also busy, but good stuff: enjoying some traveling around…


        • Still in KL? Yes, the things are pretty dark at work, but I have to be optimistic for myself and believe that whatever happens I get to keep my job….


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