Black & White Sunday: Subject of Adoration

This is another post featuring my porcelain doll Estella, the one named after a heroine from Charles Dickens’s novel Great Expectations. For those interested in reading the novel, you may find a free copy on Project Gutenberg site.

I wrote about Estella on several occasions, captured portrait and full figure photos of her, and even made some fun experiments with her images, but the post that generated the most interesting feedback was the Makeover.

Today you have a chance to see her in black and white for a change. It seems that the absence of colours only accentuated her delicate features. Wouldn’t you agree?



Maybe you want to share your black and white photos with me? Grab the widget bellow and join me. Feel free to choose this or any other theme.




Entries to Black & White Sunday:

57 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: Subject of Adoration

    • 🙂 I thought it as an improvement compared to the colour version. Thank you for coming over here, Colline. Have a good one!


  1. She is a beautiful girl! B&W is a fantastic mode for any subject in my opinion. I like your statement above the Comment form. I told my wife just now what it says and for her opinion on the Like button. She agrees with you that the purpose of these sites is discussion, not clicking that Like button which makes it a ‘fly by’ as my wife Rebekah put it. i have considered following suit with you on this… Hope the weekend is good for you!!


    • Hello John. It’s very nice to hear from you. I am glad your Mrs agrees with me, and that you listen to her 🙂 Thank you for your input. Take care…


  2. Warm greetings on a beautiful Australian spring day.

    I love the clarity and detail of this image in b & w. Had to be a superb photo to begin with – or did you begin with b & w? Did you say you had a collection of porcelain dolls? Or just this one? I’m also interested in your connection with Dickens’ Estella. What about her appeals to you?


    • Hello Meg 🙂 Good to.hear that you are enjoying some nice weather. Croatia is fighting floods at the moment-that’s why I am at home processing photographs. I shot Estella in colour first as you saw in “makeover” post, and later I converted her in b&w. I enclosed the link to a free copy of the book which I read years ago at the Uni cause it is my favourite novel by Dickens. I think that the real tragic figure in the novel is Estella and not Pip as commonly believed. Warm greetings, P.


    • Oh Estella is full of mystery and you never know what she will be up to next 🙂 Thank you, Sue for taking time to come here being so busy…. Really appreciate it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Human Collage | Travel with Intent

  4. She’s a lady for all styles and all seasons, Paula. And that music! I could just drift away on it 🙂
    Hope all’s good with you. Is it the end of this month you’re away, or next?


    • Hello Jo.. You’ve been missed! We are leaving on 1st of October until 11th 🙂 I wrote something on Friday that I had originally planned for your walk, but the theme presented itself. Tell me how are you doing? Still in Portugal? I have been looking for you…


      • I just saw your ‘stroll’. 🙂 I like it!
        We returned in the early hours of Saturday morning so yesterday was a little frantic. Just time for 6WS 🙂 But I’m off now to do ‘chores’ and will be back this evening to try and catch up and get that Monday walk rolling 🙂
        Thanks for missing me.


  5. Pingback: Weekend Photo Walk in Oslo | Cardinal Guzman

  6. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Subject of Adoration | Ese' s Voice

  7. A lovely composition. I have a few Doll posts on my blog. The images are of some of my daughter’s dolls. She, does some, shall we say, creative things with them. As a consequence, the posts & images tend to fall into the territories of H.P. Lovecraft & M. R. James. 😀


      • Tasha turned 20; she is a Downs person. This is her last year of school; they allowed to attend to age 21. Tasha loves theatre, costumes, and make-up. Her dolls sometimes get a make-over using chalk, magic marker or whatever else enters her fancy. The results are definitely dramatic & theatrical. 🙂


    • Your comment made me think, M-R. There are not many similarities between Estella and me, except for the fact that we both had to undergo attempted brain-washing while growing up. I am touched with the photo you selected for the theme, and impressed at your persistence to stick with the theme and always coming up with a wonderfully apt response. Thank you, Margaret-Rose.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I found this old barn along a country road in the NL and I am always intrigues by old buildings. I took many photos, many thoughts and possibilities. Who would just desert such a magnificent property? Rain was impending but after 50 photos I rode way.


    • 😀 Hello Hillary, sorry for being so late looking at comments and replying. Thank you so much for looking at my posts and finding time to leave comments 🙂


  9. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Subject of Adoration « "AND THEN LIKE MY DREAMS"

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