Black & White Sunday: Looking up

I don’t think this photo is special, but at the moment I was taking it, I was very interested in the layout of flats above my head and I told myself  – this is going to be a cracker shot – and now when I look at it – not so much. I did some post processing to give it a vintage look, maybe it helped. It was taken last Summer in Vincenza (one of the greatest discoveries on my Italian trips).


vicenza looking up

Maybe you want to share your black and white photos with me? Grab the widget bellow and join me. Feel free to choose this or any other theme.


These are this week’s contributions for Black and White Sunday:


Draco’s Topman

M-R’s Roman Pantheon

Cardinal’s Big Brother

Ese’s adventurer 

Colline’s smile

Tobias’s crane

Debbie’s monochrome Mediterranean 

43 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: Looking up

  1. Pingback: Big Brother is Watching You | artishorseshit

  2. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Looking up « "AND THEN LIKE MY DREAMS"

    • Thank you, dear Ese and thank you for contributing to B&W Sunday. I would have linked sooner, but I was out enjoying the last sunny days this season ;). I love your adventurous shot 🙂


      • Always a pleasure, Paula – I enjoyed being challenged this way. 🙂 Yes, the last sunny days are a treasure&treat – should not be missed, spending time indoors.


  3. Have to agree with everyone here – the angle makes this shot interesting and holds your attention. The B&W tones help focus on the shape and symmetry of the walls.


  4. Hello Paula, I hope you’re having a great Sunday. Here it’s “kitchen Sunday”, so I’ve baked bread and I’ll make tomato soup soon.
    I like your backyard photo. Unfortunately I don’t think I have any good photos that are shot upwards.


    • I know you will have soon 🙂 I envy you your homemade bread. I have passed a week without any starch food and it has been hell; both hubby and I are grumpy 😀


  5. Pingback: A Black and White Portrait | Colline's Blog

    • 😀 Maybe if I had edited when it was still fresh, but looking at a photo a year after it was taken has a strange effect. I come back from my trips with around 90 GB of photos, and sometimes I take months or even years to see them 😀 Thank you for reassurance Debbie. Your Mediterranean is gorgeous in b&w. You had me thinking about my photos from Corsica. We had such a beautiful light there and I adored colours, but after seeing this capture of yours, I am thinking of wanting to make them b&w too 😀 Thanks honey, this is beautiful 🙂


  6. Pingback: Crane | Empire of Lights

    • P.S. I remembered Debbie’s challenge too Jo, but I simply can’t fit a new challenge in at this time. I am very determined to do this second blog 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • So many young people get into smoking, Paula! I hate it so am lucky I was never tempted. I would find it fairly easy to be vegetarian and live on your leftover pastas and veg 🙂 Meat is gross and I dislike cooking it but Mick is a carnivore. Energy sounds good though 🙂


  7. Black and white always brings out architectural details in a photograph I would not have noticed otherwise. I love the connected arch and column detail above the left hand windows you picked up.


  8. Paula the perspective and angle of this photo really intrigues me. another inspiring shot for me to try my hand at. Thank you so much.


  9. Wow… I’d have a crick in the neck with such a shot. Super perspective, an interesting facade – a mix of new against the old? The old being the side with arches whereas the new are the two sides with minimal character. Nice! 🙂


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