A question

I have a question for you.

Would you rather have an embedded player on the post though it looks ugly as a coffin player, or a nice link which when clicked on opens as a separate tab?

Like this


or rather like this

Avalon – Live


30 Comments on “A question

    • Yes, I did. I hope it does not get on your nerves. I have done it for two reasons: one is that I miss some of the comments, and the other is that I don’t like some of the comments 😀 – Your opinion, please?


      • It won’t slow me down, unless I am absent completely as on a sick leave or holiday. I know more people with the same settings one of them is Lignum Draco, and when I noticed it doesn’t bother me at his place I felt more comfortable to change it.


          • Ah, sorry for the ugly flashback. As you remember I was there for you the last time and I would give a hand to help you again if necessary – which btw must never happen.


  1. I clicked that I’d like an ‘elegant link’ but now I’m not so sure. The good thing about the embedded player is that it doesn’t take up much space and so doesn’t distract from your post. On the other hand, sometimes I don’t see it at all. So just to be awkward, please discount my ‘elegant’ vote and consider it and embedded vote. 🙂


    • Thank you very much Tish 🙂 This is really helpful. The best part of your comment is that sometimes you don’t see it at all, and there I go worrying it might be too imposing :D. A time ago the player we could use here was flash and it had a very elegant button. I miss it and have a hard time getting used to this bar which is dark and not very attractive. Still, I can see the advantages of having it embedded and I am inclined to leaving it this way. Thank you again for your effort and time. You are such a sport!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The embedded player may not be so pretty, but by leaving the page viewers won’t get to listen and enjoy the photo that inspired you to share the music at the same time.


  3. I prefer the embedded player. 😉 I’ve never felt that it negatively affected the format. I suppose only you can be the true judge of that, but this is my thoughts on the matter.


  4. When I come to your page I’m looking for excellence in photography and good background music. I want to be able to look at your photo rather than a blank screen when I listen. 🙂


  5. I’m with the people who want to look and listen at the same time – it helps me meditate on your beautiful shots. Even though ’embedded’ has unpleasant US army connotations!

    What change did you make? Should I have noticed?? What settings?


    • I haven’t thought of unpleasant US army connotations :S
      I am not sure what you asking Meg. I presented two ways of displaying music on my blog. It is the matter of using html settings.


  6. I voted for elegant link because I’m with you in thinking the embedded player is not very attractive but really anything is fine. Your choices are always beautiful. 🙂


    • Thank you very much Lisa :). It seems that embedded player is more practical and easier to use for people, and that should really be my first priority. I am very grateful for your opinion and it matters 🙂


  7. I like it on the same page as the photograph Paula. So Embedded player works for me 🙂


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