Thursday’s Special: Multitude

This photograph is a result of auditory impulses transmitted by music geniuses collectively known as Kraftwerk.



The theme for this Thursday’s Special is “Multitude”. It can be the masses (crowds) or multitude of just about anything (of animate or inanimate origin). It can even be a solitary (human) being with a multitude of worries drawn on his face. Get creative and have fun! I will be waiting for your links…..


Check out the entries for Multitude. Click on the links above the images:

Klara’s Multitude

A large piece of hare

Individual blurred

Jo’s flowery multitude

Cardinal’s multiple plants

The return of Winter

Selling glasses

Flamingos in the Mist

Multitude: Strength in Numbers

 Multitude a la Anna 

Multitudes of Birds by Sylvia

Irene’s Multitude

Multitude of ocean bubbles

 Shawl Vendors, Quito

A multitude of new leaves


Multitude of cigars


78 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Multitude

  1. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Multitudes | Middleton Road

  2. Pingback: Pink Rabbit! | Travel with Intent

  3. Pingback: Individual blurred | Le Drake Noir

  4. Pingback: Multitude | restlessjo

    • Thank you my restless friend. I will keep you posted. More work that is about to come will keep me too busy to worry about health 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Multitude | lucile de godoy

  6. Hi Paula, your entry was beautiful. You came up with a very interesting theme this week. No surprises about you. Loved it.
    I just posted mine and now I’m going to pack…Have a wonderful weekend.


  7. Pingback: Flamingos in the Mist ~ Dawn on Lake Elmenteita | Tish Farrell

  8. love the blue!! and I am coming back to jam to the song again ❤ ❤
    see you soon


  9. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Multitude | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)

    • This is lovely 🙂 Thank you for bringing the ocean to this wonderful collection. I am happy you had fun.


      • Muchas gracias por pasarte por mi blog y seguirme. Espero ir aprendiendo a hacer fotos poco a poco, y mejorarlas.
        Me gusta participar en los retos aunque hacéis fotos muy buenas.
        No consigo imaginar que son las bolas azules de tu foto.


        • Son fosforos 🙂 Me gustaria verte de nuevo en retos. Tengo otro (en blanco y negro) este domingo 🙂


          • Fósforos!, no se me habría ocurrido nunca. El color es precioso.
            Ya había visto que tienes otro en blanco y negro, creo que con mi cámara (una compacta) hay posibilidad de hacerlas así, pero aún no he probado.
            Intentaré a ver qué me sale.
            Buen fin de semana.


              • Creí que al convertirlas en post tratamiento se notaba, y era a eso a lo que te referías cuándo dices que no pueden tener restos de color, y que esas no las colgarás. Disculpa, pero solo soy un aprendiz de fotógrafo.
                Se pueden convertir con Picasa? Es que estoy aprendiendo a usar ese programa.
                Escribes muy bien el español.
                No sabes cuánto me alegro de ello.
                Muchas gracias.


  10. Pingback: Shawl Vendors, Quito - PIRAN CAFÉ

  11. Pingback: YBOR CITY Part-1 (cigars, people, and art) | priorhouse blog

  12. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Multitude | Daffodil Hill Photography

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