Thursday’s Special: Time (response to guest challenge)

One of the three sundials in Zagreb can be found in the oldest street in the city, Tkalčićeva. It’s summer, early in the morning, a week day, and many of the residents have fled the town to enjoy their holidays at the coast.

The place looks still and strangely empty, as if frozen in time.



 (click on the image to zoom in)

This is my response to Debbie’s guest challenge time. Check out her post and join us this Thursday with your interpretations of the theme. Your links are eagerly awaited; link here and to Debbie’s guest post.






Click on the titles bellow to see the entries to this challenge:

Time by the Jagged Man

 Time by Restless Jo

 Time by Middleton Road

 Time by Pommepal

Time by Susan Judd

Time by Art is Horseshit

Time by Irene Waters

 Time by Tish Farrell

Time by Klara

Time by Anna

Time window by Tobias

Right time by Tobias

70 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Time (response to guest challenge)

  1. Wow this place looks familiar to me (😉). It’s a lovely shot Paula and so inviting with that pathway leading you in. Gorgeous colours too!


  2. The whole colour palette seems to belong to the past, as does the figure in the street. As you often do, you manage multiple interpretations of the theme in one image.


    • 🙂 Thank you kindly Meg. The figure you mentioned (I guess you were referring to a female figure) is a bronze statue of a famous writer from Zagreb from some past times.


  3. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Time | Daffodil Hill Photography

        • I hope that you are well now, and that you found the work you had been looking for. There is opening for December for colour challenge 🙂 So either Thursday in any of the first three weeks, cause later on it is 24th and 31st which are not good dates for our crowd.


            • That sounds perfect John. I look forward to it very much. On Scheduled challenges page you can see the themes that have been and will be used this year. I am sure it will be no brainer for you to come up with something tha none of us have thought of before 🙂


        • And it was a wonderful surprise. Not one, but two different takes on the theme. I have displayed your macro shot, cause I am a sucker for macro and I find it more creative of the two, but I assure you I love your take on the obsolete instrument as well. Have a good Thursday, Sue!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Glad you liked them Paula, and pleased you display my creative image! And I hope you have a good Thursday 🙂


  4. Another aspect that strikes me about this image is that it’s got the air of a parallel universe – yet another take on time. The way you’ve composed it invites the viewer to step into the path as if through some portal, rather like Alice going through the mirror into Looking Glass Land. Very very intriguing, Paula.


  5. Pingback: The time of my life! | restlessjo

    • Great to see you had such fun Jo. Your post really responds to the theme and Debbie will love it. Here I chose to display the one that I found the most relevant 😀


      • It has to be Swatch then 🙂 I almost put a comment to that effect. I have a Look up Look down in mind for Debbie, whenever I get to post it. 🙂


  6. Pingback: Time piece. Paula’s Thursday Special… | Memories are made of this

  7. Pingback: The Best Antiques | artishorseshit

    • That’s odd.. our farmers are unusually busy around Christmas bringing produce from their farms around Zagreb and supplying our produce markets. I would love to have Zagreb empty in winter, but it never happens.


  8. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Time | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)

  9. Pingback: Walking through time on Lincoln’s Steep Hill | Tish Farrell

  10. Really fantastic photo for time challenge.
    So many time layers in one picture.
    It looks and feels like early color postcards.
    Sundial hiding in plain sight and telling the current time.
    Statue depicting someone from the past.
    Path leading to modern men’s favorite pass time (sitting in the pub)
    I guess that this is one of timeless streets that looked pretty much the same 100 years ago so to conclude Time Time Time.


  11. Gorgeous colours and a very nice composition, Paula. I like how the trees frame the image. The bars on either side of the pathway act as leading lines, guiding the viewer’s eyes right through to the sculpture.


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