I’m not a cat person, but February is a cat month, so here it is, a variety of a self-serving, street kind straight from Croatian coast. 



He’s gotta be strong
And he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight

This post is my offering for Cardinal Guzman’s Changing Seasons.



28 Comments on “HERCULES

  1. Nice shot. He/she looks as if he wasn’t too enamored having his photo taken.
    We ARE cat people and over the years have had around thirty.
    At one point around ten years ago we had 23 at once!
    We are now down to four.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: The Changing Seasons: February 2017 | Cardinal Guzman

  3. We don’t have stray cats around here. I’m not sure if it’s because of the winter or because they’ll be captured and killed. This cat doesn’t look like he’s particularly interested in human interaction. 😀


  4. A great photo, and your poem captures him as superbly as the photos does. I have a cat-person friend just out of hospital and I’ve sent her the link for her pleasure. The rocks and water and sky and silhouetted headland are pretty good too!! (Laconic Aussie understatement.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Meg. Wishing your friend quick recovery. The lyrics are from the attached song “I need a hero” 🙂


  5. When I saw Hercules and February was Cat Month, I thought the attached music would have been this

    “Living and loving, kissing and hugging
    Living and loving with a cat named Hercules”
    Love the photo too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love the photo and the music! I chuckle when I hear a person say they’re not a cat or dog person. I only say that because up until 2001 when I “acquired” my first cat, I used to say that, too! Now I have to say I’m an animal person! 😻🤣


  7. Nice shot. I remember them Putty-Tats well during my visit to Dubrovnik. Boy are they fierce little buggers! The waiters are armed with water pistols to dissuade them from pestering their customers.


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