This month again I am short of complicated words. Here is my simple collection for October. As always you can pick any of the offered words or several or all of them. Please take your time posting, and have fun! 








Mont Saint Michel crveni


  1. Pingback: Haiku: Still this Green – Whippet Wisdom – a Highland Journey

  2. Pingback: Gallimaufray on Thursday – pictures imperfect blog

  3. Pingback: Pick a Word in October 2019 – bushboys world

  4. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Pick a Word in October – Year 4 | Leya

  5. Pingback: October quintet – PoetryPix

    • Dear Laura, I am sorry I only visited your blog today. I was absent for 10 months, but I am now here to stay.


  6. Pingback: Caerphilly Castle – Une photo, un poème

  7. Pingback: at the seaside – Une photo, un poème

  8. Pingback: Pond of the Brenne – Une photo, un poème

  9. Pingback: Stately makeover – Travel with Intent

  10. Pingback: Chinatown at night – Travel with Intent

  11. Pingback: Peace on Earth, Goodwill from Great Blue Herons (Not Art Nbr 23) | Babsje Heron

  12. Hi Paula. I adore your word choices, and have chosen scarlet for my submission:
    Happy Holidays to you and yours!
    Best, Babsje

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Paula – hope everything is well with you! I have been missing you – hope you had a lovely Christmas. My sincere wishes for a beautiful 2020!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Ann-Christine, I have been going through some health problems and have had a couple of surgeries – one just before Christmas and later in January, so I could not write. I left a note here mid December. My health is OK now, but my mind is still elsewhere. Thank you for caring. I hope you are well.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Ark. Yes, it has been a few months. I left a note here mid December, but I guess people did not see it. I am OK healthwise now after long, but my mind is still elsewhere. Thank you, Ark.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi Paula
    I only just spotted your December note. It’s a strange time that we are all going through now. I hope you are well on the mend, and look forward to seeing you back in blogging mood soon. Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi Paula, I hope you are recovering. I know what you mean that your mind is elsewhere. Mine also for health reasons and I have just returned to find that you have been missing also. Sorry I couldn’t send my best wishes at the time but virtual hugs now and hope that we again see each other when you are ready to return.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Simply gorgeous captures:)

    I just noticed the note. Hope you can return back soon with all your positivity and good health. Take care.


  17. Pingback: Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #112 – Pick a Word… | Leya

      • Thank you so much, Paula for your kind words 🙂

        Over last couple of years, I have been quite inconsistent with respect to my blogging.

        Challenges of a young family and those associated with my official work made my blogging journey take a back seat.

        But, this Pandemic is kind of a reminder for me to identify what really matters in life. Spending quality time for our own hobbies or things we are passionate about is really important and that really helps in our quality of life as well.

        Hope, I manage my time in a much better manner even when things get back to normality 🙂

        Have a great day 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  18. Paula I was so happy to see you here once again- I am sorry to read of your health problems though, and hope you are doing well now. I have been blogging sporadically, Covid 19 has taken my ind elsewhere, but I will come back to your challenge later. Work starts today- back into school with much trepidation.


  19. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Pick a Word | A Day In The Life

  20. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Pick a Word | nowathome

  21. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Pick a Word… | MV Obsession

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