Weekly Photo Challenge: FROM ABOVE

La vue de Sacre Coeur à Paris.



sacre coeur_vue-1

61 Comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge: FROM ABOVE

  1. jalal michael sabbagh.http://gravatar.com/jmsabbagh86@gmail.com

    Magnificent scene.Great post Paula.Have a wonderful day.jalal


    • 🙂 It wasn’t easy on my feet or my stomach, but I had a wonderful time 🙂 🙂 🙂 Thank you Jeffo.


    • Thank you my dear Amy, though I wish I was still in Paris… thank God I did not go to work today so I can pretend to be on my trip still 😉 eating French food and drinking French booze 😀


      • Soooo envious! I, too, love French food and wine. Happy to hear you have a day off today 🙂


        • I just want to forget about everything that makes part of my work day living, if you know what I mean. I remembered my office twice while I was in Paris (I blame my nightmares) and asked myself if they had fixed the window in my office .. I hate going back into the stuffy room, but this weekend I opt to live somewhere else 😉


    • P.S. Can I bother you to listen to the music too for a more complete experience ;), no that it was playing in front of the Basilica … it was crowded and the music was awful, but I am in my right to embelish my memories, right?


  2. Love, love, love this photo, Paula! And the music so very French. (more what I was expecting on your post for Jake, actually, but you usually surprise, and that was very appropriate) 🙂


  3. Many years ago I lost my heart for Sacre Coeur with the view and atmosphere there inclusive Montmatre – my heart is still sitting at a cafe down there with an espresso… “lol lol”

    Thanks for a gr8 reminder… ‘big hugs’


  4. Such an amazing shot Paula!! Tells me how much you enjoyed Paris 🙂 Perfect and romantic accompaniment too 🙂


    • Thank you Patti.. you said it right .. all the pleasures of Paris 🙂 I need them engraved in my memory xo


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