Black and White Weekly Photo Challenge: TOYS

The One That Got Away

The One That Got Away

Here is the link to Sonel’s amazing toy collection, and her b&w challenge.

59 Comments on “Black and White Weekly Photo Challenge: TOYS

  1. Wow! What an amazing shot Paula! Love it and it’s so cute and adorable! The music you chose also goes so well with it. Great entry for the challenge sweetness and thanks so much for taking part. Much appreciated. πŸ˜€ *big hugs*


    • Dear Bulldog πŸ™‚ I consider myself a beginner in photography, and this is why this compliment made me feel so good. Can’t find the words to thank you πŸ™‚ Happy Tuesday!


    • Nope, so far I have never repeated a photo not even a colour to b&w – but I may in the future. I had a pic with two doggies in colour – that’s where you saw him and another bigger sheep on a potty, if you can remember πŸ˜‰ Kyss


  2. Pingback: Black and White Tuesday: Toys | WoollyMuses

    • πŸ˜€ Yeah, it is a lamb, not a sheep. You are right my dear Sylvia :D. Thank you so much Sweets xx P.S. Happy to oblige with the song πŸ˜‰


  3. You’ve inspired me, Paula. I’m checking out Sonel’s blog and challenge. Love your photo!


  4. jalal michael sabbagh.

    Astonishing picture.jalal


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: FOCUS | Lost in Translation

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