Thursday’s Special: Silver Lining

This time I went a step further in my photo post; I wasn’t happy with just posting a photo I had taken on my holidays, and enclosing a song, I felt like writing a music review as well.

What follows is a picture I took on my recent holiday in Lugano, Switzerland, which I titled “Silver Lining”. In the bellow text you will find a track by the same title that matches my picture, a musical review of the band’s first album, and details on my Thursday’s Special non-challenge.


Silver Lining

The two guys (Hutchcraft and Anderson) that are behind the “Silver lining” song met some eight years ago when their friends got involved in a fight in front of one of Manchester’s nightclubs. Too drunk to join in, they started talking about music and realising they had similar tastes, decided to start a band. The band named “Bureau” broke up a year later, only to reappear shortly afterwards under the name “Daggers” that claimed to be responsible for inventing disco lento musical genre. In early 2009 “Daggers” was also disbanded, but later the same year these two Mancunians formed a duo called “Hurts” that has been active ever since.

Their first album “Happiness” released in 2010 best known for the hit song Wonderful Life, contains the song “Silver lining” that I discovered by accident on you tube while searching for a musical accompaniment for my “Silver lining” photo.

Click here to listen:

Now there’s no way back from the things you’ve done
I know it’s too late to stop the setting sun
You see the shadows in the distant light
And it’s never going to be alright
And you know, and you know, and you know I’m right.

The album received positive to mixed reviews from music critics ranging from “an ordinary package of overblown melodies and musty lyrical clichés” or “music that moisturizes a touch too much” to “music that harnesses the 80’s whole underpinning pop ethos, its spirit of expansiveness, its shamelessness, its irony-free faith in the emotive power of a glorious hook”.

After having listened to it several times I can only say that I find the album (this song included) flamboyant, daring, rich with flashes of wit and intelligence; an ultimate ode to the sounds of the 80’s. It is more 80’s than the 80’s themselves.

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**About this post: Thursday’s Special is a new ‘non-challenge’ challenge that appeals to bloggers eager to wake up their creativity and show their own ideas and interpretation of the world. I invite everybody interested to join in. There are no themes, titles and techniques set for your expression, there are no limits and restrictions (no red tape whatsoever). The only thing required is to post a photo post on Thursdays entitled “Thursday’s Special: (your theme/title)” (as explained in my Thursday’s Special introductory post), to provide a link to my Thursday’s Special post, and to leave a link to your post in the comments section of my post. There is also a widget created especially for this non-challenge, so if you like it, feel free to use it when linking to my Thursday’s Special post, or you can just display it in the sidebar on your blog.


Let me wrap up now with an encouraging quote: “It’s easy to come up with new ideas; the hard part is letting go of what worked for you two years ago, but will soon be out of date.” (Roger von Oech) 😉

Check out the beautiful entries for Thursday’s Special non-challenge:

80 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Silver Lining

    • Thank you, Seonaid. It was one of those hot, muggy days and I had to play a bit adding silver-like filter to “save” the pic. I wanted so much to create some keeper shot from my holiday there :). I have been dreaming of that lake-soaked mountain for years now.


      • It’s great how some locations soak right into our brains and lodge themselves there for good. Easily invoked, they are keys to a library of feelings and memories…..the brain is as marvellous as nature herself 🙂 and I love the sensation of a lake soaked mountain….nice combination 🙂


        • 🙂 I like to use my brain as a kind of metaphorical Lightroom where I then edit my memories by embellishing them and adjusting them to my earlier expectations. Does this make sense?


  1. Nice that you’ve added something more of yourself with the review, Paula. I like the music and it’s a great photo, as usual. 🙂


        • Trying to cure bladder infection and to finish some pending work in the office ;), but all in all I am fine 🙂


          • Oh, that doesn’t sound good at all. I do hope you feel better soon hon. 😀 *big hugs*


            • Thank you, hon. It is getting better now, though Ecoli can be a pain in the b….. I used to have about 10 times a year – a non stop recurring condition while I was using antibiotics and other official meds, but since I started using parsley tea and cranberry supplements I only get it about 5 times a year 😉


              • Glad to hear that hon. Yes, antibiotics are not good for the system at all and I also prefer the natural meds. I used to get it a lot as well and what helped for me was the Dandelion capsules. I also used to walk around a lot barefoot and read somewhere that it’s also a great cause and now I take care to keep my feet warm. 😀


                  • Good. More dandelion salad for you then. 😀
                    Also, there are capsules called ‘Waterfall 20 soft gel capsules – Prosana’ – just search for it on google. They are a bit more expensive than the Dandelion but I found that helped as well for my bladder infections.
                    You hang in there hon and get better real soon. 😀 *big hugs*


                    • Sophia, this formula looks very promising. I’m on the web page just now. I will have to see if they are willing to ship it off to my country 🙂 Thank you, honey.


                    • You’re very welcome hon and I am sure it won’t be a problem at all. 😀 *hugs*


  2. Great post,Paula!
    ….and what you do with your shots,is simply turning photography into poetry!


    • A little trick in post-processing tool – Lightroom…I’ve added some silver-glow filter 🙂 Sono felice che ti piace xo


  3. Been there several times – actually enjoy a lot visiting Switzerland – visited Montreaux most, because I have an “old” classmate living there with her swiss hubby and they really worth visiting – but I have been visiting Lugano several times too… 🙂


  4. Dear Paula,
    what a nice shot of the Luganer See (Lake Lugano). I have been there quite often because friends of mine living in Lugano.
    And what I liked very much too was the last quote by Roger von Oech, he is so right.
    With a big hug from the sunny sea
    Klausbernd 🙂


  5. Pingback: View of a Lake | Colline's Blog

  6. Gorgeous silver linings throughout this magnificent scene Paula! I have always longed to have a Swiss summer holiday by a lake. One day perhaps but until then, thank you for the view!


  7. Hi Paula, is this on the foto – by any chance – Monte Brè?
    One year ago, I moved from Munich (my birthplace) to Switzerland (my husbands home country), nearby Zurich.
    Once, some years ago, we visited Lugano by train. It was a wonderful day and we climbed to Monte Brè – therefore my question 😉


    • Hello Marion 🙂 Thank you for your question. This one is Monte San Salvatore. Monte Bre is close by. I would have loved to go up either one of them (or both), but it was a muggy, hot day so I took a pic from the shore. I’ve never been to Zurich, but years ago I visited Geneva and Bern which I adored. You live in a beautiful country, but so is Germany 🙂 Thank you very much for your visit and comment. Regards, Paula


      • Hello Paula, thanks! I saw Bern a few years ago before Christmas. There was a very nice Christmas market!
        Croatia is a very nice country, too! I love it. When I was a child, my family and I stayed there for holidays. First time at Medulin (near Pula), I was 14. Through the years I visited Poreč, Rovinj, Crikvenica, Krk, Šibenik and Korčula (twice). And I saw flowstone cave at Postojna. Awesome memories!
        Regards, Marion


        • Wow, you’ve seen quite a bit of Croatia. Do you have a preferred place here? Adriatic coast and islands especially are very nice. Postojna is a fabulous place, but it is in Slovenia ;). We are lucky to be so close to this beautiful little country full of mountains and lakes too 🙂 Thank you, Marion 🙂


          • Oh sorry, at this time Slovenia and Croatia were both part of full Yugoslavia. At this time, as a teenager, I didn’t notice very well, that there are different federal states 😉

            To have holidays at the sea, I love Korčula most. When I was there second time (1991, year of my first marriage), there were few tourists. Me and my family with the families of my fathers brothers lived in a new house, directly at the coast. It was very nice and I relaxed so good!

            From the cities, I love Rovinj most with its historic houses.

            Have a good time in this lovely country!


            • Just as I thought 🙂 You singled out two gems :D. Korčula is a place I visited as a child – I lived in Dubrovnik as a kid – if ever given a chance, you should visit it, and Rovinj is such a lovely Istrian little town, colourful and lively. I wonder where you spend your summer holidays now. Sorry if I ask too much.


              • With my present swiss husband I once was in Croatia – a journey through Italy (Venedig), along the Croatian coast till Punat, where we stayed the rest of the holidays.
                Although he loved the country and the sea, the landscape and vegetation, he couldn’t get warm with Croatian language and mentality. So, he don’t want to repeat the journey to Croatia.
                2012 we can’t travel. But if we will travel next year, we want to go to Korfu, once more, this Greek jewel 😉 (first holidays we shared at Korfu, was 2011; I was there 2009 without my present husband)
                But I will keep your idea in my mind, one time visiting Dubrovnik. I suppose, it has a beautiful historic center, too. You never know, what will happen in your life in future ;).


                • 😀 It does not surprise me that your husband could not get warm with our language and mentality … it is not a picnic for me either :D. Korfu you say – hmm, interesting thought.


  8. Pingback: Thursday Special: Blossoms | The World Is a Book...

    • I am, thank you, Madhu dear. I am happy you came to comment on all these posts. I really do appreciate it. 🙂 🙂


  9. Pingback: Thank you, Paula | restlessjo

    • It is more than just an appreciation. Your post is both inspired and inspiring with a song I was completely in dark about. I am touched and happy with your sweet offering. Thank you, Jo.


  10. I was sure I’d already commented here, but I hadn’t.
    Anyway: for me, musically speaking, “Silver Lining” will always be Chet Baker.
    It’s a scenic landscape that you’ve pictured here. Must have been nice to travel around there.


    • 🙂 I know Chet Baker’s song :). Thank you CG. I have dreamt of this landscape for so long, but I get a kick out of any kind of leisure travelling ..changing scenery is what rocks my boat 🙂


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