Those who follow will never learn to walk

Beware of strength in numbers
They play better than one
A group of those who follow
Can never reach the sun

(Great Northern: Numbers)


Sundays are starting to get monochromatic for me, and with Winter coming I foresee more black and white Sunday shots on this blog. If you want me to see your black and white world, leave me a link in the comment section.

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59 Comments on “Those who follow will never learn to walk

  1. Nice photo. B&W is a very good choice for this shot. I’ll join your B/W Sunday and see if I can post something today. The cow is a great animal: provides a lot of different foods.


  2. Love this b/w photo! Stay warm and hope Sunday is going well for you, Paula. I did a connection post, it might cheer you up a little bit, wanna take a look?


  3. Pingback: Black & White | artishorseshit

  4. Pingback: The Sunday Chronicle: Weaver of Hats | AngelineM's Blog

  5. Beautiful portrait and good choice in b&w! Hope you enjoy a great new week πŸ™‚


  6. That picture reminds me of home. We have plenty of cows when I was young until they were all gone. Can no longer remember how they disappeared though… Suddenly feel nostalgic.


    • πŸ˜€ They are sweet, my darling Alpine cows, so still and perfect to shoot πŸ™‚ I don’t need a super shutter speed for them πŸ˜‰


    • Thank you Clanmother (I’d rather call you Rebecca, but tell me which one works for you) πŸ™‚ I hope our interaction will work.


    • I could stare for hours into cow’s faces, well in any animal’s face I guess, but I don’t see a variety of species on my travels πŸ˜‰ The weather has really turned bad :(. The wind is raging outside. Thank you, Sylvia xx


  7. Searching for subjects suitable for black-and-white is an excellent excercise for the mind, as it requires imagining away part of what the naked eye sees.
    And, disregarding the advice, i think i’ll keep following (your blog) πŸ™‚


    • πŸ˜† Good point, Alessandro. You are one of the B&W influences that made me include more black and white shots in my blog. Grazie mille per tutto.


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