Photography 101: The Natural World


busy bee_closer



This is my entry for today’s #photo101 project.

44 Comments on “Photography 101: The Natural World

    • Yes, I do, not as much as I would like (and that goes for other types of photography as well). I have a macro/close-up section in my menu under photography. My favourite subject is fire/flame/candle. Grazie Alessandro da vero 🙂


  1. Astounding capture Paula. My first thought was that the be had amazing core strength to hang on like that. I expect they are built far better than humans for such work.


    • Thank you very much, Madhu. I have a macro lens Tamron 60 mm. It is not the best, but as you can see, it is pretty good. I still wish I can find a spider and a butterfly that will pose for me some day. Criters do make me happy. I realised that on my best holidays I saw at least one animal per day (don’t count cats/dogs/pigeons); the best were when I would saw a herd of sheep or goats, or a donkey or two 🙂 Even in Florence (I am a bit ashamed to admit) I did not give Duomo my full attention because of horse carriages parked in front of it. After taking pics of a horse I had to go for a ride :D. Next time I am in Florence I am bringing some sugar cubes with me 🙂 Thank you again for all the visits and warm comments; it made me happy.


  2. Quelle belle macro ! j’ai aussi un appareil avec un objectif maximum 55mm, ce qui est approchant à 60 mm. Je n’ai pas ta façon de faire. Sans doute en manuel ? Le sujet, l’ensemble, et la photo toute en délicatesse et précision. J’ai lu que c’était à main levée donc sans trépied, ce qui est possible me semble t-il 🙂 J’aime beaucoup la macro parce qu’il y a cette recherche dans la façon de l’approcher et d’y transmettre son coeur en passant par un objectif. Pas évident 🙂

    What a beautiful macro! I also have a unit with a maximum 55mm lens, which is approaching 60 mm. I do not have your way. Probably manual The subject, the whole picture and all delicacy and precision. I read that it was freehand without a tripod so it’s possible it seems to me 🙂 I love the macro because there is this research into how to approach and to convey his heart through a lens. Not obvious 🙂 (Google translation 😉 )


    • Chere Brindille, je te remercie pour tes compliments. Macro est une technique que j’aimerais bien perfectionner – il faut d’effort comme avec tout. Il est possible de prendre une macro a main levee mais c’est toujours ideale de poser l’appareil sur un trepied. Malheuresement je ne sorts pas beaucoup avec mon trepied parce qu’il est lourd. C’est tres gentil de ta part de nous donner traduction en anglais. Belle journee a toi, P. 🙂


  3. I’m really drawn to the mix of blues, green and purple in this shot. The detail of hairs are also very well revealed in the enlarged version.


  4. Terrific shot Paula! Composition is always a challenge when it comes to macro photography. I think you’ve done a wonderful job on this one.


      • Well, I guess cropping is OK so long as it helps leave out the clutter and correct the perspective 🙂


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