Guest Challenge: Architecture in Black & White


Cardinal Guzman

Find some interesting architecture somewhere in your local environment (it doesn’t have to be the house next door, but somewhere you can return to fairly easy). When you’re shooting try to look for interesting angles, lines, curves and/or details that people might ignore. Try shooting from afar, see how it feels, then try some close-ups. Compare the shots and think about which ones that are most appealing. Keep in mind that it’ll be black & white, so contrasts are very important – you don’t want a grey and flat photo. When you know you’ve got your shot, turn it into B&W (or you can set your camera to shoot in B&W if you’re not into processing and software), do your post-processing (if you’re into that) and post it in your blog.

In my second guest post that’s coming up in three months (on the 12th of April), you’ll be returning to the same place that you shoot now. For my photo, I went to the local church – a rectangular lump of concrete built in 1963.

Winter night photography of Manglerud Church, by




Leave links to your black and white architecture photographs taken especially for this challenge. You have 7 days to come up with something – the deadline is the 10th of January.


Entries to Guest Challenge:



45 Comments on “Guest Challenge: Architecture in Black & White

  1. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Architecture (response to Guest Challenge) | Lost in Translation

  2. A great challenge and great shots to start it off. I’m a sucker for detail, although those sharp-pointed lights catch my eye too. The two different angles demonstrate beautifully what you ask us to do. Can’t participate, though, because I’m in umpteen different places between now and April!


  3. Pingback: B&W Architecture Challenge 1:2 | Cardinal Guzman

  4. Pingback: Fifteen Years On | Travel with Intent

  5. Great first guest and shots. Interesting angle on that church when the wide view was already fantastic but didn’t let us know about such details on the front porch. Interested to see what people will come up with to answer the challenge…


  6. I think I would go for the B&W version (though the colourful one on his blog is also beautiful) – something very calm, yet…spacious about it. And the detailed pattern in the second photo really is something one wouldn’ t notice from afar – a lovely discovery, worth to be looked closely at. Can’ t deny these are Interesting and inspiring photos&theme from Cardinal for the challenge!
    Giving it all some thought, my entry turned out this way:


    • You have really covered it Ese. Really, really exciting series! I agree with you about Cardinal’s photos – inspiring!


  7. Pingback: Architecture in Black & White | Art and Life

  8. Pingback: Experimenting | angle and views

  9. Great idea and execution Paula & Cardinal, love the first shot especially, very unearthy feel to it!
    Keep it up, greetz,


  10. Pingback: Architecture. A Challenge in Black & White. | Michelle Lunato Photography

  11. Pingback: B&W Architecture Guest Post 2:2 | Cardinal Guzman

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