Guest Challenge: Tribe

Today’s guest is a talented, full-time  professional photographer currently stationed in Egypt. He is challenging us today with the theme “tribe” saying that tribe is not only a clan, but a tight-knit family, or you can think outside human concept and chose to do a group of animals, or any other interpretation that fits the theme.


J’ai eu l’opportunité de passer plusieurs jours au sein d’une tribu Sotho loin dans les montagnes du Drakensberg, en Afrique du Sud. Je revais depuis longtemps de partager la vie d’une telle tribu, loin de la civilisation, sans eau courant ni électricité, où l’entraide, le partage sont les règles de survie. Ici, la vie ne se conçoit qu’à travers le clan, seul garant de la survie dans un milieu aussi hostile. L’individu ne peut exister par lui même et les liens qui unissent chacun des membres de ce clan sont comme ceux qui unissent les membres d’une même famille.

Je vous propose aujourd’hui de traiter le thème de la “tribue” mais pas forcément appliqué à tout un clan. La tribue peut aussi être une famille très unie, cela s’applique aussi à la horde en ce qui concerne les animaux ou toute autre interprétation! A vos appareils photos gentlemen!


Twin sisters posing for improvised shooting

                                                                Twin sisters posing for improvised shooting

Evening songs

Candle evening


Tap water is a luxury that only few people on earth can afford. Never forget it!

               Tap water is a luxury that only few people on earth can afford. Never forget it!

An instant photography durint the celebration

                                                                            An instant photography during the celebration

Grab your cameras and post your version of “tribe”! The deadline is next Saturday.

46 Comments on “Guest Challenge: Tribe

  1. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Tribe (response to Guest Challenge) | Lost in Translation

  2. Guilhem’s work is amazing – the two sisters is very fun – and the smoking man is my fav for sure – but all so good – and from the sampling here there is a feel for his keen eye for capturing people – 🙂


  3. How splendid images in B&W…
    I’ve never experimented this kind of photography , but I’m so attracted by the magical atmosphere it can create!
    Non e’ mai troppo tardi…?


  4. Pingback: Wild Horses | Travel with Intent

  5. HI everyone! Thank you very much for all your nice comments!
    Thank you Paula for inviting me to suggest this tribe topic! I hope you’ll be inspired and I’m looking forward to seeing your pictures!


  6. I want a florist too! 😦
    Totally off subject, as usual. I like your pick best but I’m not a cattle lover. It’s just a beautiful photo.
    Sunday hugs! 🙂


  7. Pingback: Florida and B & W Day 3 | priorhouse blog

  8. Pingback: Elephant tribe versus Man tribe: and how the bees are helping | Tish Farrell

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