



Afloat is the theme for this week’s photo challenge.

67 Comments on “Afloat

  1. Paula, what a gorgeous reflection! I love the way my eyes go back and forth between seeing the reflection and feeling as if there’s a hole in the middle of the shot.



  2. I love the pic, and I love that it’s preceded by music that really conveys the zen feeling.
    Can you tell me how you could include the music without displaying a SoundCloud logo (if it’s from SoundCloud). I’m thinking of preceding a post on Cologne Cathedral by an organ piece, that’s why I’m asking.


  3. Pingback: WPC Challenge: Afloat | decocraftsdigicrafts

  4. Obrigada.
    I was wondering if the pingback of my post for your challenge last week worked. Need to check that. I’m having issues with that lately.


  5. Pingback: Afloat | My Atheist Blog

  6. A spectacular piece of found sculpture, and as always an imaginative interpretation of the theme. I’m always delighted by reflections, so your photo gives me many pleasures.


  7. Pingback: Photo Challenge; Afloat | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

  8. Superb interpretation! Not a duck or a swan in sight 🙂 🙂 I’m clinging on to that branch for dear life! Truly, a great shot, Paula.
    It would do for Reflection or Water too, but you won’t be so predictable. Sadly I won’t be about to see this week’s TS. I almost made it to the end of the soundtrack. Wish I could carry them with me when I change posts. 🙂
    Happy weekend!


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