Black & White Sunday: Architecture 02 (Response to Guest Challenge)



Today my B&W Sunday is actually a response to the guest challenger’s post architecture.

As you can see on Cardinal’s post we are doing architecture again. This time I went out with a different lens and got slightly different results.

Happy and peaceful Sunday to all of you!



Entries to Cardinal’s challenge: (click on the titles/links bellow)

Fifteen Years On, part two 


Downtown by JM

Architecture in B&W by Jeffrey

38 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: Architecture 02 (Response to Guest Challenge)

  1. I’ve been struggling with butterflies today. Your buildings are beautiful in their stillness and definition and solid airiness – and their black and whiteness. I’m feeling a bit bereft of company today, now the wedding’s over. I hope I get to see family tomorrow. But your blog-company was a tonic.


    • I like his opus and the selection was really good. I would have preferred to see it in a concert hall. We didn’t like the sports arena ambiance. I liked the performance a lot, but h. hated it, so….


  2. Stunning B&W images, Paula. I particularly love the last one. What a brilliant sculpture! I so enjoyed listening to ‘One of these mornings’. Hope you’re having a great Sunday. xx


    • Thank you very much Raewyn. I wasn’t very happy with them, but I had to go out at the last minute to capture something for the challenge.


    • I do have somewhere a photo of it at sunset 🙂 Thank you, Draco. You’re so busy and yet you found time to catch up here. Really appreciate it.


  3. this was another time when i had to stay listening to the song and so I soaked up the pics more – “one of these mornings” wight he beat – and then seeing the reflections and little extra details – thx for the experience P ❤


    • I do love that song. Somehow Moby’s music goes well with statues of our celebrated basketball player. He died very young tragically.


      • Hey P – it does go well – in a slightly haunting way – but good – and maybe to embrace everyone a little more because “one of these mornings….” won’t be there at all… and I did not realize Petrovic died young – that kind of changes things – and that bottom photo of the statue serves Petrovic well – your up view showing the basketball at fingertips and then his thunderous, muscular thighs – so good…


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