Black & White Sunday: Local Watering Hole (response to guest challenge)

This is  my response to the guest challenge by Irene Waters. Irene is asking us to post a photo(s) of a  local watering hole and has offered several possible interpretations. I rarely visit pubs in my town, but here is a shot of a local cafe in Lisbon. While exploring the quarter of Belem I noticed an old yellow tram, a famous symbol of Lisbon, which had been turned into a  cafe that is mostly visited by locals. It seemed convenient to preserve its recognisable colour – this is my deviation from Irene’s great theme – a local watering hole in black and white, but with a touch of selective colouring.


kafic tramvaj belem_sve crno osim tram-1_potpis



Don’t fret, if you don’t have anything ready. You have up to a week to post it.  Happy Sunday!




Click on the titles bellow to see the entries to this challenge: 

Drinks on the Serpentine

Quiz Night at Lovelocks

A vat


Gone to the dogs

Mannekin Pis

At Place de Rochaix, Paris

Local agujero de riego

Scent bar


46 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: Local Watering Hole (response to guest challenge)

  1. Oh, I do enjoy riding the trams in Lisbon. I’m keen to get back there and will definitely look out for this one. Thanks for the tip Paula. And I like the selective colouring 🙂


  2. Pingback: Drinks on the Serpentine | Travel with Intent

  3. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Local Watering Hole | Middleton Road

  4. Fabulous response, Paula! Well worth waiting for 🙂 (I got engrossed in writing my Monday walk and just remembered our conversation yesterday). The hit of yellow is absolute perfection! And Fado, of course 🙂 Truly beautiful… I love it!


  5. it seems that you have linked “guest challenge” by mistake to your blog post not Irene’s?


    • Thank you for letting me know Klara. I did it while it was still in draft. I’ll change it now.


  6. love the yellow and off to the back – would love to visit here some year 🙂


  7. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Local Watering Hole | A Day In The Life

  8. Pingback: Random Black & White Photos | artishorseshit

  9. Pingback: Watering Hole | Beyond the Brush Photography

  10. I have a great fondness for Lisbon and went there after reading Jenifer Robert’s book Glass about an English merchant who became a Portuguese glass-maker. There is a square in Lisbon named after him Largo dos Stephens, I think.


  11. This is fantastic Paula! Definitely one for framing on the wall if not in the gallery. Love that pop of yellow, particularly so iconic in Lisbon.


  12. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Local Watering Hole | Lifetime Diary Project

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