
My mind is elsewhere, somewhere between my unpaid overtime work that I have to finish this weekend, and the pending volunteer work that is more rewarding, and my wish to go out and take photos, but still I had to check out what WP has as a challenge this Friday.

When I saw „landscape“ I could not resist. It was a tie between a Tuscan sunset and a Croatian coastal landscape, and I had to go with my country. It is a landscape – a picture of land, and there is no land that I like better than my own.

Dugi otok ©Paula Borkovic


I participate in WordPress' Weekly Photo Challenge 2016

I participate in WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge 2016

67 Comments on “Landscape

    • Thank you, Julie. It is very nice to see you again. I’ve thought of you especially in February and was sorry for my long absence, and I came back though my health is not much better (I can’t climb or go down stairs), and now I appreciate your comment very much, but there is very little to enjoy when you are clinging with your teeth to your livelihood and you are aware that your country is in hands of people who don’t give a $hit about it. I hope your health and marriage is fine. Warmest regards till I find time to visit you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Warmest thoughts for recovery to you and fondest hope that life will be better soon. I understand your feelings and can’t say I’m happy either of how our governments handle things here in France… I long for another revolution!
        Meanwhile, I’m working the job I love, enjoying time with my dear husband and plan travels (next is up soon: going to Tenerife in 2 weeks!).
        Take care.


  1. Paula if I could send you extra hours in a day I would. We love your country as well and this another glorious photo of the stunning coastline. Sending hugs across the miles.


    • Just tell me one thing please. What is the normal worktime in Canada. How many hours a day? That would be greatly appreciated. If I had in my power to stop morons running this country I would give my life for it in a jiffy. Bloody fucking morons!


      • Paula in Canada each province has it’s own set of rules. I spoke with my daughter who works in office admin and this is what she said.Employers can choose to give OT after 8 hours in a day or after 44 hours in a week. Most employers will pay OT only if there has been over 44 hours worked within the week and then it would be time and a half. But say if someone works 3, 12 hour shifts in a row they wouldn’t get OT.If employees are unionized then each union negotiates it’s own set of rules with the employer.
        Having said all that Dave who has worked long hours most of his decades, works on salary and there is no OT. No complaints as the salary is the compensation.


        • Sue, I really appreciate this informative answer. This country that is not made of lazy people is run by idiots, believe me. Our newest prime minister is Croatian raised in Canada (that’s why I asked you about work hours there). I don’t see him as a bad guy, but he is being manipulated by someone. It is all very fresh and shady and the government is very divided – he is from a business world, a not party person but since he is from diaspora he is extreme right – which is never good. What upsets me greatly and makes me ashamed is his disastrous Croatian :(. I feel so bad these days. Thank you for replying Sue. My life would have been so much easier if I didn’t care and if I just thought of myself and the people in my nearest family, but I can’t help myself – I think in advance and this is not good- this is so bad.


          • Paula it sounds like a dreadful and frustrating situation. Although it doesn’t help I am sending big hugs across the miles. Every day we are so grateful to live in Canada. We have our issues but generally it is a tolerant and fair place with good health care and education. We pay a lot of taxes for these things of course. At any rate know I am thinking of you and the people of Croatia.


            • I don’t care about being used and abused. I am used to that, but to see this country going from bad to worse makes me ache inside so much. I don’t know what God or religion could help it. In any case it is a comfort to read you, and please forgive me for taking so much of your time. I need to finish some translation (it is about the future of the great national motorway company I work for). It would be so much easier it would mean saving the company, but it means selling out, giving up and monetisation. Thank you for listening Sue. I will always rebel and never accept this ridiculous situation. This is not Croatia.


              • I am happy to lend an ear any time Paula. Your caring for your country is to be commended. Sometimes yes it would be easier if we didn’t but that would not being who we really are.


  2. Not getting any easier, Paula. Such a beautiful country to be in such straits, and you make it look like a dream come true. I’m so sorry for your distress. What kind of volunteering work are you doing?


    • Just cause you asked: there is 23 yr old girl that was paralyzed after an aneurysm three years ago, I am interpreting and translating for her distance energy healing 😦


        • I just wish it works, and I wish this government is enlightened by the Divine and feels this country needs some saving and not to think of themselves, their rotten egos – which I don’t understand cause they already have so much. Thank you for being a friend. If not sooner, I’ll see you next week. Sunday challenge – convergence- is prescheduled. Now, I have to go to translation which will translate how the company I work for will be sold and ruined. Good night, Jo.

          Liked by 1 person

    • It would have been even more spectacular if it were not for scorching and humid 40 Celsius. (way too hot for me and poor visibility – otherwise a breathtaking landscape)


    • Tu aurais aime voir tout cela de ton avion, Marc. Bonne semaine et grand merci pour ta visite (il fait toujour bien de te revoir)


      • Oui c’est vrai que je rêve de faire cette côte en avion, les paysages sont encore très nature et pas très construits et on doit pouvoir faire de belles photos de paysage, ce pays reste vraiment à découvrir pour moi


  3. If I had to choose between unpaid overtime and enjoyable volunteer work, I would choose the volunteer work, but then again, if the work is not finished, then there will also be complaints. It sucks dear Paula and my heart ache that you have to put up with that.

    What a gorgeous view and shot Paula and I don’t blame you for thinking that. It sure is so beautiful! The song is so fitting and the singer have such a lovely, dreamy voice. Love it!

    Take care of yourself and try not to work too hard. ♥


    • I have read you, but did not reply at the time. Reading you was a very helpful support. Thank you, Sophia. Sending you hugs and wishes for a good week.

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  4. One of my best bus rides ever was along the coast road from Dubrovnik. You certainly have a stunning coastline, and a stunning capacity to capture it. I’m so sorry you’re at the mercy of a right wing government – Poland and Australia too. Mercy is absolutely the wrong word. Your work situation sounds monumentally stressful too. There is beauty in this world – although the Polish government is planning tree destruction and logging in the primeval forests on the border between Poland and Belarus. May you have a peaceful weekend, although it sounds as if you’re working. Your volunteer work sounds fascinating and unique.


    • Thanks so much, Marilyn. It was very hot (40 Celsius with awful humidity) otherwise the visibility and the view would be even more spectacular. It is on Dugi otok (in Croatia). Funny thing is that it translates as Long Island and it is the longest island in the Adriatic.


    • Thank you, Pauline. I thought about you, cause I did not see you for some time, and I wondered if you are OK, but I was too distracted with my work to drop by. (Will mend that now)


      • I was AWOL for a while, I’ve just been busy moving from downstairs back upstairs. That does not sound too drastic but it all took time, then had a few computer hiccups. But here I am again back in the fold!!!


  5. Stunning landscape indeed Paula. Which part of Croatia is this?
    I am sorry for the challenges you continue to face with your work and health. Sending warm hugs your way.

    PS: It just might be possible for me to hug you and gaze upon that gorgeous landscape in person soon Paula! All depending upon the benevolence of your visa officials 🙂


    • A quick reply to you Madhu. This is Telascica National Park. I hope you will like Croatia and especially Dalmatia. I plan to hop to Italy soon. These days I am working too many hours and too hard. Just come home to sleep. Not free time whatsoever.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, yeah, thats beautiful, have some memories of the Croatian coast and this is definitely enhancing that feeling 😉
    Cheers, Ron


  7. “there is no land that I like better than my own”, c’est une belle phrase car c’est la terre, le lieu ou tu es née! Le paysage et toutes ces iles sont très jolis 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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