Thursday’s Special: Here and There

It is physically impossible to be in two places at one time, unless it is in our imagination, but maybe photography can help us bridge that impasse. “Here and there” is your theme for today, but do not fret. The deadline is Tuesday, 21 June.

Last Thursday the challenge was traces of the past, and as of yesterday you have the opportunity to vote for the best entry.




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P.S. For newbies – if you are interested in participating in Thursday’s Special photo challenge, you should publish a post with a photo (or several photos) having in mind the given theme, link that post to this one and leave me a note in the comments section. 

PPS: To see what other themes and posts are coming go to Scheduled challenges page.


Here come the links to participants’ entries:

and a late entry:




47 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Here and There

  1. Pingback: Wish I was there | Le Drake Noir

  2. I’m right over there and I’m waving back at you! Can you see me? 🙂 Interesting choice of music, Paula. Who? Hope you are coping, love. No TS from me this week but gentle hugs instead.


  3. Pingback: Here and There: Thursday’s Special | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)

  4. Pingback: Hither and Thither – Travel with Intent

  5. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Here and There | iPictureThis

    • I already know that yours is going to be my favourite entry for this challenge 😀 🙂 🙂 Tack, Lena. This is a wonderful interpretation. Me very happy 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Jack here wants to be there… | Patricia's Place

  7. Pingback: Thursday’s Special – Here and There | Mama Cormier

  8. Pingback: Night Shots From Bangkok 1:4 – Cardinal Guzman

  9. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Here and There | A Day In The Life

  10. I have see na lot of reflection photos but this one leaves me puzzled. Beautifully done Paula. I shall be wondering about it al lday.


  11. Pingback: Here and There, finding time to be Still | WordsVisual

  12. Pingback: Here and There | Empire of Lights

  13. Quite an evocative challenge – makes you think about photography a bit more. In enjoy this!


  14. Pingback: Thursday’s Special : Here and There | Memories are made of this

  15. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Here and There | The New 3 Rs: Retire, Recharge, Reconnect

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