Black & White Sunday: Manipulation

What are your views on photo manipulation? Historically speaking, it is as old as the 19th century, but today it is widely used for different purposes. Some photo manipulations are considered an artform and others are frowned upon as manipulations intended to deceive viewers especially those used in sales or political propaganda. My trooper bellow is not selling anything. I made him black and white while keeping his best feature in colour. I used my favourite photo manipulation technique known as selective colouring.

patka profil_sc-1potpis_resized



This is my last post for a while. I will be back on the 28th July with Thursday’s Special (more about the schedule here), but please if you have some examples of your own manipulations, leave me your links, and link to this post. Until next time peace and good will to you all.






Check out the entries to this photo challenge by clicking on the links bellow:

70 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: Manipulation

  1. He looks great! Flattering treatment, rather than manipulation, I think. Manipulation sounds harsh.

    Have a great break, Paula. I look forward to your return.


  2. I believe that photo manipulation as an art form is a good thing – like what you have done here. The viewer focuses on an aspect of the photo that grabs attention. I don’t like it when photos have been manipulated to make people look thinner, younger, less flawed. These manipulations are dangerous and the root, I believe, of many self esteem issues as people try to emulate these images.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really love the details in the duck’s face – so clear and rich with color select –
    Have a great month off – we will miss you and I will share my link for this b- w manipulation theme later!


  4. He has a very scathing eye! I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of him 🙂 🙂 Great music too. I very much like the ‘pop of colour’ effect, Paula. You use it just as it’s intended. Have a peaceful and happy retreat, hon, and be careful up in those mountains. Hugs to carry along with you. They’re not heavy 🙂


    • Very perceptive comment, Jo. Thank you, hon. I am going on Thursday and your hugs are the only light item I am packing with me 😀


  5. enjoy your deserved break. excellent image. what a find. selective colour is excellent choice for this image.


  6. I know very little about manipulating photos , but when the results are so beautiful , I can’t but say that’s another form of art…….


  7. Pingback: black and white sunday: manipulation

  8. Pingback: Little Red Bus – Travel with Intent

  9. I’m sure he could sell SOMETHING. Maybe sunscreen? He definitely looks a bit boiled. Maybe drinking too much beer? Great — and memorable! — image.


  10. I’ve done a lot of playing with photo manipulation, but almost none of it in black and white. I’m a bit at a loss for this post. I have not master the “splash of color” thing yet. Maybe next year.


  11. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Manipulation – Bildhof

  12. Pingback: Black and White Sunday: manipulation | Middleton Road

  13. Pingback: Take a break – Kalinaw – #WordHighJuly – The Piscean me

  14. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Manipulation | A Day In The Life

  15. Can’t say about those who frown upon photo manipulations, I love doing it. And this red-faced fellow. though grumpy, looks perfectly manipulated 😀

    Enjoy your break !!


  16. Pingback: Photo Editing: Manipulation – Beyond the Brush

  17. Hi Paula, You’ve chosen a perfect image for SC. I love it and the detail is terrific. Stellar shot. I hope you have a wonderful break. 🙂


  18. I love this image, the details, the closeness, the limited colour palette. As for manipulations, I think it’s a valid way of working as an artist. The only limitation I see is in documentary photography, in which manipulations is not acceptable—although then we have to get into the discussion about what is manipulation where does one draw the line…


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