Thursday’s Special: Seascape

I am well aware that all of you don’t live by the sea (me neither), but if you can’t take a photo of sea for this occasion, maybe you can dig something out from your archives?

veli zal_kamen sunset-1_scale_sunset



If you want to participate in Thursday’s Special challenge, link to this post and leave me links to your entries in the comment section bellow. Yesterday I started a poll where you can vote for your favourite “shadow” entry. The poll will be opened till next Wednesday, 17 August. For further themes and events please consult the Scheduled challenges page.


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Please check out the entries for this challenge. There are some spectacular ones:

90 Comments on “Thursday’s Special: Seascape

    • Sea is a she, don’t you know it!? Anyway it was the sky that smiled on it, not my doing, I just made the “haze”. Happy you like it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: Gazing back at Marseille – Travel with Intent

  2. My jaw dropped! It’s fabulous 🙂 🙂 And with that music it’s a total spellbinder. ‘I just made the haze’, says you nonchalantly! Oh, yeah- you did that alright. And the rest. 🙂 One of my favourites, Paula, and I’ve got a big cupboard full of them.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: Where would you rather be? | restlessjo

  4. That’s a wonderful picture to start with, Paula – on the shore there best be rocks. This does it for me!
    Since I unfortunately do not live by the sea, I’ll see what I can dig up (preferably something I did not share before).

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: Cornati Islands of Croatia – Geriatri'x' Fotogallery

  6. Pingback: Seascape: Thursday’s Special | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)

  7. Pingback: Sea without water | Le Drake Noir

  8. Pingback: Seascape: Thursday’s Special – Adrian Evans Photography

  9. Pingback: A Seascape Framed – Lucid Gypsy

  10. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Cornish Seascape | anotherdayinparadise

  11. Love the contrasting textures Paula, and the wonderful lilac hues. Now that I do live near the sea I should have no problem with this one!


  12. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Seascapes | A Day In The Life

  13. Pingback: Cornish Christmas Seascape: Port Wrinkle – Tish Farrell

  14. When you say you just made the pink haze, I rather see you in some sorcerer’s tower making concoctions and casting intriguing spells. And so you give us this lovely dream, Paula. In return I’m sending you some wintery Cornish sea. I had to hunt for pix in colour. For some perverse reason all my recent seascapes were shot in b & w.

    Liked by 1 person

      • No, I won’t convert them. It’s just that at Christmas I was using my ‘dynamic monochrome’ setting on my Lumix, which is always quite an interesting setting, and so forgot to switch to normal mode. I’m so glad you like these shots. It was an amazing day light-wise, and the sea was boiling with soap suds from a spilled cargo!


  15. As if a magic fairy springkled pixie dust at sunset. Such a beautiful image Paula. Voted also . What an intriguing collection this week!


  16. Pingback: Seascapes from my Cornish Tin Mine album | WordsVisual

  17. Oh, I could dig something out of my archives – and my heart! A huge part of my home blog is homage to the sea and all its denizens and doings. Here I’m bereft: I couldn’t even find the Baltic in Gdańsk. Your shot is truly magnificent – all that pink, the pallor of blue and then a touch of orange on the rocks.


  18. Thanks for sharing this lovely photograph. The contrast of rocks with mist bathed in a purple overtone of morning light is beautiful. I loved the way you paired the photo with the music… so effective. I would love to share this on my blog for my artsy friends to see and perhaps send in their pics.


  19. Reblogged this on FUN HAPPENS! and commented:
    So many of my readers are artists or photographers who appreciate the ocean and scenery. This is a lovely example of how you can share your treasured photos or paintings with others. I think you’ll love the music that accompanies the photo, as well!


  20. I have not been at the seashore now in at least four years and every picture I took there has been posted too many times for ME to remember … so I’ll just enjoy everyone else’s art this week 🙂 Thanks for sponsoring these great challenges.


  21. Pingback: Seascapes | Empire of Lights

  22. Pingback: Seascape | 12monthsinwarsaw

  23. Pingback: Thursday Special: Seascape – Under a Cornish Sky

  24. Pingback: Firth of Moray | Beyond the Brush Photography

  25. Pingback: Thursday Special: Seascape | Middleton Road

  26. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: Traces of the Past Y2-05 | Lost in Translation

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