Black & White Sunday: Composition

For today’s theme – composition – you may decide to show photos where you paid special attention to this important element in photography, where you either respected the conventional rules in photography (such as the rule of thirds) or you chose to broke them to make the image more interesting, or you may take an entirely different approach in your interpretation. The focus does not need to be on the layout of elements that make a photo; you can simply show us a photo of a composition, and that can be just about anything. Remember to make it black and white. 


fiera di primiero_monochrome-1_potpis



You know the drill. Make a post for this theme, link it to this post and leave me your link in the comment section bellow.

If you haven’t checked out the last Sunday’s post, please do. I have enclosed links to participants’ entries, and I must say that there are some wonderful contributions.

The next challenge on this blog is this coming Thursday (see the theme). 


Please, check out these beautiful entries for the challenge:

79 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: Composition

    • Ah, the second photo is a merger of two images. It’s the widget for the theme. When seen on a proper screen the first one is a lot larger and the second is just a thumbnail. Thank you for your nice comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Love that old shed! And I had such a busy week last week, I never posted for B&W Sunday…..but will dig one out for today’s theme!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: B&W Sunday: Lysebotn – Cardinal Guzman

  3. Pingback: Paula’s Black and White Sunday – Lucid Gypsy

  4. Pingback: Black And White Sunday Composition – PhotographWorks

  5. Pingback: The Railway Men: Black & White Sunday – Tish Farrell

    • Very pleased that you like it, Tish. Yours is a clever interpretation with some nice chaps. You should take close ups of people more often 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you, Paula. I’m always a bit wary of people-photography – not wishing to intrude. But the railway staff are used to it, and it’s all part of the show.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I can relate to that, that’s one of the reasons I rarely shoot people. I like shooting children, but hubby keeps yelling that they will arrest me 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Love the hut in the wonderful wildflower meadow and the way the roof mimics the natural shape of the mountain beyond – I am assuming this is what drew you to this particular composition, but there are lots of other interesting diagonals in this shot. I will go away and think about this one Paula. Hope you are having a relaxing day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. that’s an interesting composition, Paula, with all lines leading to the shed in the centre. And then on taking another moment the mountain in the background mimicking the shape of the shed becomes apparent. Nicely done.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: black and white sunday: composition – a meditative journey with saldage

  9. Pingback: Sunday’s Black and White Challenge – Composition…. and a shed. – A Tale Unfolds

  10. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Composition | WordsVisual

  11. It’s not often that a black and white composition speaks to me, Paula, but I so love this one. Thank you for making time for your challenges. It’s always such a pleasure to come here. Sunday hugs! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Composition | Mostly Monochrome

  13. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Composition | McClendon Villa

  14. Pingback: The Swarm… – TRAVEL WORDS

  15. Pingback: Storm Brewing | Isadora Art and Photography

    • 🙂 I was staying in a hotel quite near to it. I think they use these sheds in fields to store the farming tools and similar. You probably did not know but I am a sucker for stormy skies, so your entry is right up my alley 🙂 Thank you so much, Isadora.

      Liked by 1 person


    • Thank you for digging these two images to show us what composition should look like. Magic pure and simple!


  17. Pingback: Abstract Photography/11 | Beyond the Brush Photography

  18. Pingback: B&W Sunday: Composition – Bildhof

  19. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Composition | A Day In The Life

  20. Pingback: Peeping at Parliament – Travel with Intent

    • Oh I know how a busy lifestyle can interfere with blogging. Thank you for the visit Debbie and for your entry.


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