Black & White Sunday: Subject of your liking

“If you get into the photography rut, take photos of a subject you like”. I read this advice somewhere, and boy were the right. Taking photos of something you like or feel excited about eases the pressure of how the photo will turn up, and you will stop questioning yourself if it is interesting enough or not. The only thing that matters is that you spend time with your camera, that you learn all of its features (the more you use it, the better you will know it), and if you take photos of something you like, there is no way that you will hate the result, and if you don’t hate the result, you are more likely to photograph again. And the more you photograph, the more wonderful pictures you’ll have to share – here with me or with somebody else. 🙂

Today I want to show off a little somebody that I love to bits. <What! It’s a porcelain doll>, you’ll say.< Isn’t she too old to play with dolls!> Well, this is not just an ordinary, rigid, porcelain doll. This is Emma Bovary and she is a heroine.



Mme Bovary (Gustave Flaubert)

If you want to participate in Black & White Sunday photo challenge, make sure to:

  • make a B&W photo post on today’s theme before next Sunday 20 November

  • link it to this challenge post and tag it   #blackandwhitesunday

  • leave a comment under this post (pingbacks are not comments)

And here are the entries. Click on the links bellow:

53 Comments on “Black & White Sunday: Subject of your liking

  1. Beautiful image and music as always, Paula 🙂

    Your effort to host this really interesting challenge is greatly appreciated 🙂

    You have given us an opportunity to share our work and explore the works of other really talented people, here …

    Thank you so much and have a beautiful weekend:)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Zebraic Reflection – Travel with Intent

  3. Pingback: Return To Windmill Hill: Black & White Sunday – Tish Farrell

  4. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: These are two of my favourite things… | WordsVisual

  5. Pingback: Like a bird on the wire – Under a Cornish Sky


  7. Pingback: Black & White Sunday: Subject of Your Liking | A Day In The Life

  8. Had to come back – wanted to say that this was very Good advice on taking pics of what we like-love….
    So true how it can inject us with some freshness

    Liked by 1 person

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