Weekly Photo Challenge: A Fleeting Moment

A fleeting moment…. The challenger for this week mentioned something about street photography, but I prefer to find myself on a ferryboat with a wind in my hair and snapping pics of a fleeting sunset leaving one island to land on the next one.

Just for you for this challenge, a sunset over Malta archipelago, one of the images that tells me I have to go back some day.


106 Comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge: A Fleeting Moment

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment « My 2012 Photo Challenge

  2. Me gustan la puestas de sol, también tus palabras son muy bonitas y embellecen aun más a esta fotografía…, la música muy buena…
    Gracias por compartir tu inspiración…


    • Gracias a ti Carlos. Me hace sentir bien compartir cosas contigo y me alegra de que te gustan. Hasta pronto querido amigo.


  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment | Children's Books & More

      • You are very welcome. I know all too well how fleeting sunrise / sunset light can be. I’ve had the light come and go in less than ten minutes, often much less. You captured it like a pro! 😀 😀


    • 😀 I am not the one that did the sunset.. God did :D.. Come to think of it, I liked the sky, but I actually prefer how the waves turned out…. Thanks Jeffo 🙂


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moments | a hectic life

  5. Pingback: Wekly Photo Challenge – Fleeting Moments « melonpopzdropz …

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment « mtlawleyshire

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moments | this man's journey

  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment « Mystiic

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment « Mike Hardisty Photography

  10. Agree, Malta is worth visiting indeed – I fly to the island have never went by boat visiting the island, but it is garaneret a wonderful trip… 😉


  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment « aRVee

    • Why thank you Frizz 🙂 That one was taken on Lake Orta in Italy (close to Maggiore) and I had to use hubby’s EOS and a tripod 🙂 If you want to see more of it, it is under “Flirting with life post ;). And I guess the photo in this particular post did not impress you enough to say anything, or maybe it has left you speechless :D. Well, be as it is, there is also music attached to my photos than only some of you listen to.. Good thing is that I keep this blog primarily for my own enjoyment 😉


  12. Breathtaking image that brings me to a beautiful and happy memory. The music created an even more moving and inspiring moment. Thanks for sharing my friend. Have a great weekend.


    • Thank you dear IT 🙂 for finding time to spend in my virtual company… It is always a pleasure to have you hear and to read you. Be blessed and enjoy your free time!


  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment… | Mirth and Motivation

  14. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Fleeting Moment « Pathfinder: MotherWifeStudentWorker

        • It really is. Have you been there? I have another Malta sunset under “isolation” post… There is so much there to enjoy and discover 🙂


          • No not yet but I hope to in this lifetime. I’ve seen beautiful pictures of it… Actually, I’ve never seen an ugly picture of Malta! 😆


  15. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment | Minute descriptions of me *Kristopher*

  16. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: FLEETING MOMENT « Pictures in living color

  17. Pingback: POLL: Best of the Week | iPhotoloGy

  18. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment « Simple Photos of Everyday Life

  19. Simply stunning. This is a perfect fleeting moment. 🙂 An image of the sea never fails to take my breath away. 🙂


  20. You captured the sky quite wonderfully, I would be drawn back to this spot as well with sunsets such as this


    • 🙂 I hope you will get a chance to visit it some day… I loved it and it shows in this photograph … I can only take a nice pic when I “feel” it 🙂 Thank you so much Kristopher….


  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : Fleeting Moment | imexcited

  22. Pingback: weekly photo challenge (fleeting moment) | 20 LINES A DAY – an exercise in discipline

  23. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment | Hurtled to 60 and Now Beyond…

  24. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment | Stories of My Wandering Feet (& Mind)

  25. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment | mothergrogan

  26. Hi Paula. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It is nice to ‘meet’ you 😊. You actually beat me to it regarding visiting yur blog. We I wrote mine last night I used the awordpress related links to list some of the other bloggers who had also entered the weekly challenge. What I the try to do, albeit slowly, is visit all those I have ping backed as a matte roof courtesy. It is a great way of finding new blogs . Yours looks full,of Interest and one I will definitely return to.


    • Ah, I understand now :). It is very difficult to keep track of all the posts and blogs one might be interested in seeing/visiting…. I have also seen many people just doing pingbacks for weeks without any other attempt to showup… I will be off for 10 days as of this Friday owing to my holidays, but I will be coming back to give your page due attention. Thank you Ronnie.


  27. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: fleeting moments « allaboutwordswa

    • 🙂 I am known as rebel and it is not the first time I rebel on WordPress ;). I am off to your page to check your sunset 🙂


        • 😀 Thank you :)… it always seemed like a good idea to me, though it is not an easy endavour 😉


          • Please send me the link or better if the MP3 format. 🙂

            Been looking for it on 4shared.com (where I download MP3s) but I can’t find it.


            • I don’t have a link :S. I only have a track on my hard drive. Hubby found it somewhere. the song title is for you and the band is Tin Sparrow :). Hey, you are replying on Fleeting moment post, which reminds me: have you heard the one attached here? 😀


                • :o) I have that one two as well as three other tracks, but “For you” is still my favourite 🙂


                    • 😀 🙂 I am glad to hear it… that gives me hope that you will like some other tracks I uploaded here… Do you like Turin Brakes? I have a nice picture to show with that song under Reflections Weekly Challenge when you have time to listen and look 😉


                    • 😀 Coool… I will try to get some sleep now. it is almost 11 pm here, and work tomorrow. I will be in touch and look forward to reading your comments and feedback and your posts 🙂 It is so nice to have met you.


                    • Anyhow, gotta go to bed. It’s kinda late in Saudi Arabia now.

                      I’ll get those songs from your site again after work tomorrow. Thanks again!


                    • I have left you the same comment on your earlier reply 😉 about being late and sleep :D. This is funny and fun. Good night Sony. Talk to you tomorrow. 🙂 And you are welcome.


  28. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment « The Proscenium

  29. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moments « Mystiic

  30. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment « Missionary IOU 差 情 尋

  31. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting Moment « On Planting Seeds…

  32. Pingback: Embracing Malta: Part II | Lost in Translation

  33. Pingback: Embracing Malta: Part II | Lost in Translation

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