SUNDAY POST: From a Distance

I have decided to stay in Istria for the rest of the week, even if it means going back 12 years in time πŸ˜‰

What you are about to see is a little town called Motovun, perched on top of a hill (hardly 277 m altitude), but that odd summer morning it was bathing in clouds. I opened my eyes and realised that if I didn’t shoot it then, there may never be a chance to do it again. So, here it is … the only shot ever that has made me get up at 5 am. (poor cam and all, but the scene impressed me)



74 Comments on “SUNDAY POST: From a Distance

  1. Right you can always sleep when you get old… πŸ˜‰

    Real serious a beautiful shot,even if the photographing lady was sleepy… πŸ˜‰


  2. What a beautiful picture and a great song to go with it, did you take the photo?x


    • Yes Chris… all pics here are done by me with the exception of one featuring my figure in them… and the merger shot that was merged by a friend…. but pics are mine – HONEST πŸ™‚ But, I did not write the music πŸ˜€


  3. BEAUTY-FULL! Awesome shot, dear, and I’m very happy you got up that early back then. Perfect for the challenge, again. You live in a beautiful country, Paula. Those clouds, oooh.


    • πŸ™‚ Thank you Marion dear… it is less beautiful every day, but I am focusing on good stuff… I wish I could go out and search for some beauty now, but the temps are so high. How about you? What are you doing this weekend? Will you be posting anything?


      • Temperatures here have finally dropped and yesterday evening it rained for the first time. At the moment too, and tomorrow will be a falling swimming pool outside, if I may believe the forecast.
        Preparing a vegetarian dinner for friends at the moment, who will arrive around 7 pm. Plus searching for a photo for Jake Sprinter’s challenge too πŸ˜‰
        Tomorrow I will post the challenge, and work on the reports of our Dungeons & Dragons group.

        PS I have searched for you on Facebook. Perhaps you would like to add me. If not, it is totally fine, don’t worry, it was kind of a spontaneous act on my side hehehe πŸ˜€


          • LOL that is a funny remark in the end: if you did, I couldn’t even answer you anymore πŸ˜‰ *grins*
            I was just reluctant to write personal things on your blog here, because perhaps you would not like that – perhaps you prefer to keep the blog and conversation apart. But I realize now that you don’t . So I’ll be happy to stay in touch here πŸ˜€ Feel free to do the same on mine! *hugs*
            Back to my cleaning and cooking now, have five hours to fix all. Plus doing laundry for my youngest son, who came home for the weekend from his university. He went straight to bed! A heavy week apparently. He told me the beer was free during this introduction week… πŸ˜‰


            • Oh boy, you have so much going on over there… beer hah… argh. I have a nice bottle of Pinot Grigio waiting for me ;). Take it easy dear… what is use of having a company if you have to slave for them ;). I am interested however to read what kind of veggies you will be serving them – I guess tomorrow. Hugs to you Marion.


    • πŸ™‚ It is not that common around here, and it was well worth the early start πŸ˜‰ Thank you Bashar.


    • … and your comment makes me feel so good :D. It is much appreciated. I am glad you liked it so much πŸ™‚


  4. Pingback: SUNDAY POST: From a Distance | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

    • Thank you for the recognition Mack. I have been nominated for these bloggers awards more times than I can remember, and I have declined all of them. There are posts here explaining my reasons for that.


  5. I’ll say it here too, you are full of it! πŸ™‚ When you told me this shot was, yet another, “nothing special, out of some crappy camera,” shot I knew I would find otherwise. FYI, I’m not going to believe another word out of your mouth when it comes to how “crappy” or “nothing special” your photos are πŸ˜‰ You can’t fool me, there’s a photographic genius hiding inside you.


    • I would like that Jo :). I am turning in in about 10 minutes, but if you appear here sooner or whenever during the day I would love to :). Good night dear.x


  6. Pingback: Sunday Post: From a distance | Autumn in Bruges

  7. Pingback: Sunday Post – From A Distance | imexcited

  8. Oh Wow Paula! So glad you dragged yourself out of bed for this. Absolutely breathtaking poor camera and all πŸ™‚


  9. Pingback: SUNDAY POST: From a Distance | "Shutter flirt"!… thAt!

  10. Pingback: Going back in time | Lost in Translation

  11. I will say this and I hope you don’t mind…this is my favourite of all the photos I have seen till now, that you have posted!! Really fabulous! πŸ™‚


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