Weekly Photo Challenge: SEA


56 Comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge: SEA

    • Thank you Jeff 🙂 This is my pre-raw jpg phase when I was shooting with Canon Ixus :). Italy has a special charm that keeps drawing me back.


      • I’m glad you’ve named the musician here, because I was going to ask. And now I’ve just purchased this.

        You know, I’m no expert, but I do believe that I’ve captured many very suitable images in jpg. Now, that being said, I find no reason to shoot jpg’s these days, but I also haven’t hastened to dispose of old favorites just because they weren’t shot in RAW.
        I’m glad that you’ve kept this around even though it’s from another period in your shooting career.
        By the way, the old canon really pulled off a quality image here. Or perhaps there really is something to the old cliche; something about the person holding the camera and such nonsense. 🙂


        • It’s all about the time, the light, the moment 😉 Thank you, Dinkerson. Some photographs are an experiment in photography others are treasured memories and I keep them as such 🙂


  1. The music MADE this image come alive. I can’t wait to travel to such places how lucky you are! I love the guitar piece it’s AMAZING you guys should listen!


    • Many thanks Sophia. Sending you a big hug. I am sorry for being absent again – a bitching weekend with a toothache….


      • Thanks sweetness and I am very sorry to hear that. Toothache sucks hon. Hope it will be much better real soon. 😀 *big hugs*


  2. I knew you’d be here somewhere with a seascape, Paula, and you didn’t disappoint. This one is special and the music quite haunting (in a good way 🙂 )


    • 🙂 You are right Patti – it felt like top of the world :). This was taken two and a half years ago on a Christmas Eve on Amalfi Coast – south of Naples. We went for a drive past Positano and Amalfi cause I wanted to take a pic of that pine tree on the right :). The view filled me with awe, and I almost trespassed to take that pic, but people there are so friendly 😉


    • 🙂 The whole place looked dreamy from where I was standing 🙂 It was shot on Christmas Eve. Thank you, Allan!


  3. This is a beautiful seascape, Paula. I’ll present you as one of my favourite beautiful bloggers in my next post, I find your work most inspiring.
    Love Dina


  4. wowwwwwwwwwww, sarò là la settimana prossima, come ogni volta che vado la bellezza mi farà emozionare, come questa splendida foto
    wowwwwwwwwwww, I’ll be there next week, as every time I go the beauty will make me move, as this beautiful photos
    Thank you


  5. ciao! the story… have a look at the hill at the very end which shows the profile of the man’s face( laying down) who came to find his love there and stayed 🙂


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