Seduced by Italy

With winter coming and not many days of holiday left I will have to put off all my travels till next year. In the meantime I can either make some long-term travel plans or remember my past trips.

Here is a selection of snapshots from the most picturesque little lake in northern Italy. It is called Orta and it is situated at about 88 km from Milan. A few summers ago I spent a week there in a beautiful villa overlooking lush gardens and a quaint islet of San Giulio.


81 Comments on “Seduced by Italy

  1. Really great photos! I love the one with the monk and the Lamp/tower the most, but I like them all very much 🙂

    Sometimes the old memories are as precious as all the other possible ones we might make. So it’s good to enjoy them, and thanks for sharing them with us 🙂


  2. It’s hibernating and warm memories time here, Paula. 🙂 Italy seduced me too, and I always intended Lake Orta as a future destination. Have to share this beautiful indulgence with you.
    Lovely tranquil music. Working again today? 🙂


    • Yes, Jo. I am back in the grind…. 🙂 Take care, Jo. I am glad you liked my memories and find them inspiring!


    • Thank you, Colline. It was one of the most enchanting places I have ever visited 🙂 It feels good to remember on these gray days…


    • 🙂 It really looked that way 🙂 though I helped it a bit in the post-processing 😉 Thank you, LD!


  3. Beautiful shots, but when I click one of them to see the full size I get this message:
    «Not Found
    Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help.»

    I’ve tried both Opera & Firefox.


  4. Orta…stole my heart. I’ll go Orta next time instead of Lake Como 🙂 Great images and beautiful music, Paula!


    • I don’t know Laurie.. I think I have never seen anything more beautiful, and I know that Nietzsche would agree with me. He visited the place at some point in his life and later mentioned it in his work Thus Spoke Zarathustra as the place that changed his life forever 🙂


  5. C’est encore du bon boulot ! 🙂 De très belles images… 🙂


  6. These just call out to me! The colors are mesmerizing and the monk down the path is wonderful Paula!


  7. Italy can seduce me anytime she wants, and I’m willing to be her puppy dog following her around. Crisp and clear images,Paula. And outstanding compositions!


    • 😆 😆 I can easily perceive you as a puppy ;). It is clear and crisp cause it was raining the day before. I am happy you like this post 🙂 Thank you, Rommel 🙂


    • Thank you very much, Tina, The weather was lovely – it was July in Italy, but the time of the day did not favour the photos – it was high noon 😀


  8. Not at all surprised by your seduction and that such wonderful memories keep pulling you back! The photos all blend together so beautifully and what a magnificent view to have at the beginning and end of each day!


    • You put it nicely, I keep hanging on these memories when days are gray and hopeless here. It was awe-inspiring to wake up to such a view, Patti. I wish I had been in a writing mood back then 🙂


  9. I was disrobed by Italy through those pictures, Paula. You know how much I appreciate these stuff. Nature is like a masterpiece of the aesthetics to me.


    • You’ve said it Sony – masterpiece of the aesthetics 🙂 Nothing can beat it. In the following months I will sort out other landscape photos – I want to dosage them little by little to keep me going through the winter here…. It is always a joy to see you at my place 🙂


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